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Re: Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to Strelets team

Merry Christmas to you all!
Let's hope for better times in 2024.

Re: Merry Christmas

Here I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year that brings you only good things... and above all to Strelets and its members, that they may come out of tribulations and return to do great things. Tanti Auguri amici.

Re: Merry Christmas

MERRY CHRISTMAS! And God bless us - EVERY ONE!!!

Bon Nadal

And my best wishes for all and the Strelets team!


Re: Merry Christmas

It's been a tough couple of years so I really hope for better times
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Strelets team and everyone on the forum

Re: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. May peace and happiness come to all human beings.

While we are waiting for more sets from our favorite toy soldier manufacturer Strelets to come our way, we should use our time wisely. I would therefore like to share with you the secret of increasing our dementia-free lifespan (by 8 years on average).

While technically not directly related to our hobby, think about the potential of having additional years of collecting, and all the work that we can get done on our collections beats the other option :-)

What I do to get my PAI scores is to watch reviews of toy soldiers, history and the daily updates on the current wars on youtube while riding the stationary bike. Then I also do 'bodycombat invincible', yoga and additional abdominal wall exercises. Then I sit in the steam bath. It's really a lot of fun. Going up and down the hill with your partner or dog would achieve similar results.

Re: Merry Christmas

Jan, I really like your recommendations, especially the "BodyCombat Invincible #9 (Boxing)". A little Rocky 1 Music in the background is a great way to start any day! Merry Christmas :santa:

Re: Merry Christmas

Dear friends,

Thank you for your Christmas wishes.
We also wish you all Merry Christmas.
It's a pity that we didn't manage to come up with new sets by this date, however we've got some new stuff in stock for Napoleonics fans that can beef up the ranks of Wellington's army. The delay was caused by skyrocketed freight charges and delays due to the Polish-Ukraine border blockade.

Best regards,


Re: Merry Christmas

My Highlanders made it from Kiev to here in North Carolina USA arriving on Christmas Eve..I foresee a lot of painting time in January. Glad to hear from you it lifts our spirits....A Merry Christmas to all and here's hoping we see the rest of the War of Spanish Succession sets in the coming months. God bless and protect all!

Re: Merry Christmas

Estic content de tindrà notícies de vostè.

Desitjo que la pau i la felicitat, tornin a totes les llars d UKRAINA

Re: Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope all managed to have a blessed and joyous day with their family. It is great to hear from fellow enjoyers of the hobby, and it is with great pleasure that I can say I had a few Strelets sets under the tree for me this year. It is especially good to here from Strelets themselves. Thank you for the good news. We all appreciate the work you do.


Re: Merry Christmas

I so agree with you Asher. I am thrilled to hear an update from Strelets and I am very curious to see the figures. It is so nice to hear that you had some great sets under the tree!!!