Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
I don’t know what it is about this hobby exactly, but it has undoubtedly become a burning passion of mine, an obsession, an addiction perhaps. My love for history has always been present and active, but something about these toy soldiers just fuels this love to learn about the human experience even more. And yet it is with great irony that the suffering and tragedy that created the subjects our cherished toy soldiers are modeled after, has now nearly killed our hobby entirely. For those of us that find great pleasure in studying wars, there sure isn’t a pleasant thing about the reality. I am filled with these thoughts after reading the entire Strelets forum from its very start until now. I was just a young kid when Strelets started production, so it was very cool to see it’s evolution during my pre 1/72 scale life, and wow what a golden age for the hobby. So many passionate fans and characters. I felt like I practically got to know people like “Head for the guns Hank” just by reading their consistent posts and projects. Initially I feel a little left out having missed all the excitement and energy of years past, but then I remembered that not too long ago the forum and Strelets themselves were as active and busy as ever. I remember checking the Strelets website for its frequent updates and being ecstatic anytime something new showed up. I remember specifically just before the war the Napoleonic Bavarians in square, and WSS Bavarians in firing line had both just been announced and the buzz around their coming releases was real. The excitement I had checking the forum every Friday for Strelets weekly postcards was also unmatched. It was like Christmas every week! How lucky we were then. I wish I could’ve cherished it more in the moment. Because although in the grand scheme of things, a hobby based around plastic miniatures may not a big deal… to myself and countless others it very much is. One of my favorite things in life is to collect a range of 1/72 scale soldiers, immerse myself in the history behind them, and then paint them up and look at my proud work on display. It’s the simple things in life really. So thank you Strelets for all you have done for people like me. You’ve brought me a lot of joy and happiness. Hopefully someday we can return to those happy times. Above all else I pray that you and your families are and continue to stay safe.
Very well said, Asher! This Hobby of ours, especially with the help of folks like the Strelets Team immortalize those who fought and are fighting to make the world what it is, and will be. Again, very well said, Asher!
Bon dia, es divendres i encara tinc la sensació de
trobar quelcom notícia nova respecte el nostre estimat Hobbie.
Però per d'amunt de tot,
Que la gent d UKRAINA retrobi la PAU i la FELICITAT
Un compatriota meu s expressava amb més claretat que jo. En Pau Casals
Asher Croy and GarrisonClay, I sense a lot of wisdom and reflection in your analysis of the status quo, and how our hobby compares to reality.
As toy soldier collectors, we are trained to take responsibility, and we do thorough research, compare, plan, design and revisit our plans, when necessary. Some of my soldiers have been with me for 40 years, and I wish that modern generals would protect the lives of their soldiers as well as I have protected my toy soldiers.
To solve the current crisis in Ukraine, it requires great diplomatic skills, and strong leadership, and today I am more certain than ever that the world will soon again have a skilled, just and intelligent leader, who can bring our Ukrainian and Russian friends to the negotiating table to make peace. A peace that will be attractive to all and that will bring long lasting happiness and joy to the people of Eastern Europe and the world. A victory for all will be achieved through peace for all.
For the time being, I am using the temporary interruption of actively adding to my collection by organizing my existing collection. Like Garrison, I live in a farm house with a huge shed, and with the help of my beloved wife, I am sorting my troops by eras and countries into clear stackable 45 quart plastic boxes, each with a label and description of its content. I discovered a lot of treasures by opening bags and boxes and I have a clear vision of how to set up my armies for battle.
I too will continue to pray for the safety, happiness and continued success of Strelets, Haron and their surviving teams, families, friends and all fellow toy soldier collectors around the globe.
Also very well said Jan. And I have to agree with you that the one benefit to come from this lull in the hobby is having the time to organize and care for our already existing collections. I’ve managed to catch up on a lot of painting, and have also been able to focus on picking up some old sets that I never got around to. All I’m missing is the peaceful farm house with a nice big shed out back.
I'm happy that you keep your happy spirit Asher, no matter the trouble that there may be. In due time, you too shall have your big shed for toy soldier collecting.
Our patience has paid off, Strelets is back, and we now have limited time to complete our sorting and organizing, before we can start adding new sets again :-)
For my part, I have 3 big boxes of toy soldiers left to sort, and a few more of landscaping, buildings etc. Everything else is tucked away with a label on the box. I am rather proud of this achievement.