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Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

One can certainly hope Toby! The best surprise we could possibly get is just a message saying that all involved with Strelets are ok.

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Dear Toby,

We are up and running.
It's just sometimes that one has to pay attention to one's parents more than to anything else.
News will follow in mid-November.

Best regards,


Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

The news on this threat absolutely makes my heart beat faster! The power of hope and prayer. Thank you for touching base with your Forum fans, Strelets. We all wish you and your parent's personal safety and maintained complete health, hopefully with some smiles in between the hours of your days. :pray: :+1: "VIP" (Victory, Independence and Peace) to all of Ukraine!

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Dear Strelets,

Great to hear that excellent news.

I hope and trust that your parents are okay. Best to all in the wider Strelets 'family'.

Regards, James

p.s. It was a bit of a bummer that my post trying to bring things back on track got take away as well, but it is of no great importance :)

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Glad you are back, and as we still have 3 out 4 of our parents still around, two in the 90`s I fully understand .

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Ah, merci, merci pour cette excellente nouvelle. C'est celle que je voulais entendre.Le plus important, ce ne sont pas les figurines, c'est de rester en sécurité et en bonne santé. Donc continuez comme cela!

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Bon dia desde Barcelona!
Molt content de tindrà notícies de vostè.
I desitjo que vostè i els seus estiguin bé.


Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

So glad to get this good news...I too have parents in the late 90's and my dad a decorated WW2 infantryman is slowly fading away...3 Purple Hearts, Bronze Star and Chevalier in the French Legion of Honor....losing him will be a big heartbreak. I needed a little hopeful news.

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

Dear Toby,

We are up and running.
It's just sometimes that one has to pay attention to one's parents more than to anything else.
News will follow in mid-November.

Best regards,

Sons and parents first of all. Family is all.

Re: Bit of a Friday Surprise - Maybe?

How amazing...I have tears of joy in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was Friday the thirteenth, which most of us survived....and for those of us who is a very joyful and happy day. I am thrilled!