Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
Therefore, I keep wishing for a posting about anything from our Strelets Team Members - Anything!
Still, If they are reading this, I made good progress on my "Governor-General Charles Gordon's Palace in Khartoum 1885" Set. Got the box done and just received a small hobby saw so I can cut/shave off the wood for final cuts. Also, consolidated all of my S*R Turks/Egyptian Soldiers to support Gordon in his final defense at the Palace. Plus, the Mahdists. Should all be good to go next week.
Also learned (re-learned) how to post pictures directly in this Forum for fun. I made some mistakes, but in the end my techy wife helped me to succeed. But, only because all of you guys are/were great enough to post instructions for me to follow back in 2020 (I made copies) Thank you!
Further, I wish "VIP" (Victory, Independence & Peace) to all Ukraine!
Lastly, What other projects are you guys working on. This Forum is for fun. General Picton blew us all away with his amazing Waterloo. I'm still going back over and over the photos. Thank you! - GC
A pleasant surprise between now and next Friday would be a greeting from the whole Strelets family and it would be fantastic if "we are all fine anyway". This is my hope for all members of the Strelets. Stay safe friends.
To cheer everybody up, here are a few more pictures from my Waterloo project. Very many thanks for all your kind comments. A few close up shots after I took each section apart and put the model back in my shed:
Next, I'll be working on Rogers and Ross's batterie either side of the crossroads. Hope you enjoy!