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Thank you so much, Baratheon! And Mr. Christmas thanks you, too. The Perfect picture which shows the good life.
I'm enjoying putting together the small buildings I'll use for Gordon Pasha's Palace. One unexpected benefit of it/them is that I don't have to completely assemble the roof. I can simply leave it flat and it looks fine. In fact, to have Gordon's Palace on the Nile River, a Collector could set up Gordon, Pasha looking for his relief column that arrived two days too late, or more fun, settng up Egyptian soldiers and cannons all around the Palace's roof in defense firing at the Mahdist's boats.
Have a Merry Weekend, Baratheon, and again, we thank you! - GC
Re: "It's Good To Be Home!" Said Gordon Pasha of Khartoum, For Eternity
"It's good to be home!" said Gordon Pasha as he disembarked from his steamer onto the shores of the Blue Nile headed to his palace - for eternity.
And in the end - "Gordon rests in his beloved Sudan!" exclaims the movie's narrator.
The following pictures of Gordon Pasha's Khartoum Palace on the Blue Nile are my version for a Playset. It is not complete but the basis is there. Only details such as matting for the (2) bases, some trimming, stairs, a fountain, palm trees and a Mosque tower for prayer, plus some figures of Egyptian Soldiers and Mahdist Warriors to join Gordon in his final battle. Here we are so far:
Re: "It's Good To Be Home!" Said Gordon Pasha of Khartoum, For Eternity
Thank you, James. I just ordered some Palm Trees for the corners. The wood trimming/cutting to bring the two bases together is done. I'll post the finished photos under a new thread when complete. At least another 2 - 3 weeks as all my parts come from China. OK, stay safe and have fun collecting! - GC