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Re: Where to find Civil War sets?

I have noticed the same issue. Only Strelets ACW sets I have seen for sale here in the UK are the marching, standing & general staff sets. Think the odd artillery set has been around too, such as the Parrot gun.
Did see a Picketts charge set 1 box on ebay couple days ago.......briefly!!!! That got snapped up at warp speed!!!

If I come across any of the rarer "in attack" etc sets, I will let you know.

Re: Where to find Civil War sets?

Appreciate it Roger. I’ve had the same experiences. Every once in a blue moon I’ll find something on eBay and it’ll either be priced more than I’m willing to pay or it disappears before I can blink. I have yet to even see a set of Union infantry firing listed anywhere at any price. Disregarding the war and it’s obvious effects on the hobby right now, it makes me wonder why other manufacturers haven’t pursued the ACW. It seems to sell extremely well.

Re: Where to find Civil War sets?

Bonjour, si je peux me permettre de vous donner une adresse. Allez visiter un site qui se trouve en Italie: Lucky toys.

Je pense que là vous trouverez quelques boites sur la Guerre de sécession (guerre civile).

Espérant avoir été utile. Cordialement


Re: Where to find Civil War sets?

Thank you Zouave! I really appreciate it. That helps a lot. Looks like I may have to bite the bullet and pay the hefty shipping fee.

Re: Where to find Civil War sets?

I wish strelets would re-issue some more of the ACW sets. They were great and I for one would buy a bunch more of them!