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Re: Newly Published Beau Geste, French Foreign Legion Book
Dear Michael,
Glad you read my comments. I participated in the books initial Kickstarter in order to ensure myself a copy, which guaranteed me a hard copy with the author's autograph and message. With the soft cover out now I would buy that, though. I'll tell you, at 456 pages with nice large colour pictures of lobby cards and posters except for the early B & W movie ones, it's a steal! I saw the 1966 version when I was 11 and fell in love with the FFL with their Kepi Blancs and Blue Capotes. Just one of those things. Good luck! :flag-fr: :palm_tree:
"March or die where you fall!" (Gotta love it) - GC
Re: Newly Published Beau Geste, French Foreign Legion Book
Thanks for the recommendation Garrison. I enjoy collecting history books as much as I enjoy collecting figures. I’ll have to put this one on my watchlist for sure. Seems like something that would be right up my alley!
Re: Newly Published Beau Geste, French Foreign Legion Book
Dear Asher,
All my life I've been a "visual first" book fan. You know ... "one picture is worth 1,000 words." The great thing about this book is it is a large allowing the pictures to be as large as possible and then has foot notes kind a text under them. Where possible, all the pics are in color. I also bought the same kind of book written about the movie Zulu, and for all the raves it got it is mostly text, physically smaller and only has about 5 pages of color plates in the center. All the rest are B & W and too small for my eyes. This Beau Geste book is about action; movies in pictures and storytelling, pure entertainment in its own right.
And then after you get all excited about the French Foreign Legion in that era, you can buy amazing 1/72 figures wearing their kepi blancs thoughtfully created by the Strelets Team allowing you to recreate all the possible scenes.
Between the author, Frank Thompson, and the Strelets Team, they make me feel like a kid again at the Saturday Matinees!
P.S. Get the paperback version, save some money, and wear it out!
Re: Newly Published Beau Geste, French Foreign Legion Book *** SEE HERE FOR PICS ***
Copy and paste the following link into your browser. Then scroll down to #5. Jack Wagner, owner of the blog Mon Legionnaire has kindly posted beautiful pictures showing what you will find inside.