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Mars Evolution

While not my era, I just noticed a review on PSR for a set of WW2 Volkssturm.

Their sculpting has come on leaps and bounds!

Well done Mars! Keep up the good work!

Re: Mars Evolution

Mars ww2 Brits are the best in our hobby, I truly hope they do more of them.

Re: Mars Evolution

Yes, Mars do seem to be moving in the right direction, with somewhat better sculpts showing in some of their recent WW2 sets.

There are a couple of provisos though:

- Scale remains a bit of a problem; They released a set of US paratroops last year which are too small to stand comfortably shoulder-to-shoulder with any other 1/72 sets (saving perhaps the Airfix 1/76 set):

- Some of the poses are still a little strange, and there are only 8 poses per set. Having said that, if they are releasing more than one box of the same unit/troop type, this is not a problem.


Mike Bunkermeister Creek
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agreed, but if you imagine the first one being read by Spike Milligan in an Indian accent it's quite amusing.:relaxed:

On the subject of Mars, their latest figures aren't in my area of interest but I am very impressed by the look of them. Mars have come a long way from the days of dodgy knock offs.