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I remember that You had plans and even made masters for early infantry of Peter I. Finally You have abandoned that project. I was wondering if You still have those photos of masters models of them. If yes - please post them.
I was thinking in making some conversations and use it as example.
I am using selected Streletzi figures (from Strelets and Zvezda) as musketeers, with some converted to pikemen, plus a few Thirty Years' War armoured pikemen thrown in (with coat lengthened with a bit of putty). This is based on information from Fredholm von Essen's books (published by Helion), plus what is in Höglund and the odd image from the web for some additional inspiration.
The beauty is that these will be 'good' for the Russo-Polish War 1654–1667 to the early Great Northern!
Regards, James
p.s. Thanks for the link to the film Yuri/Strelets. It looks like a good one!
A quick search yielded this: https://www.prlib.ru/en/node/323030, you can preview it if you serach for "Peter the Great Hungarian dress infantry" in case you don't want to visit the site directly.
The Strelets infantry (from Strelets and Zvezda) is not usable for me, as it was more shorter cloth. And I do not want to make conversations.
Anyway the film has very beautiful looks for what I was looking for. Hope it will looks like the soldiers/Peter in the film. Really nice and exotic uniform.