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User the web archive Link to the old version of PSR I've posted below. All Ottomans should be there. That aside, I think more muskets than in the XVII century are not out of place, all the Janissaries should be fine, some of Strelets' Bashi Bazouks for the Crimea might also do as they've rather old fashioned weapons, though they may be hard to find.
And: They used a lot of Eastern European levies/mercenaries, so look at Mars Croats, Haiduks etc. Lucky Toys Vlad Tepes. A lot of old fashioned XVII century armor and arms would still have been in use, while the Janissaries and artillery would have been a bit more upto date. The Red Box artillery sets should be mostly fine though.
If you're looking for other opponents take a look at the Rakoczi/Kuruc revolt in Hungary. Very colourful armies.
Dear Graham,
Don't know if you need this or not, but I looked up a gentleman I trade with on the regular and he has a large amount of Bashi Bazouks. He goes by rebelalpha on ebay. Great guy, I enjoy doing business with him. Hope this helps. Old Ben
For Long Turkish War & Great Turkish War to Great Northern War (and I'll use some for Napoleonic Wars too), I have Redbox/Orion Sipahi, Deli, Akinci, Janissaries, Artillery. Mars infantry, artillery and headquarters. Zvezda Turkish cavalry, of course.
Some of the Redbox Russian Noble cavalry and Mars Lithuanian & Polish light cav. adapt well as Wallachian (and other cavalry), as well as later Deli. Mars Haiduks and early Poles are good for Transylvanians and their Wallachians are there too. The Hungarian Kuroc/Magyars will be a bit trickier but I reckon I'll use assorted figures from the preceding.
Cheers, James
Let me know for the Kurucs! I'm thinking about cossacks - probably partially remounted on hussar horses plus some headswaps. But as you said, they might be tricky. Perhaps someone (RedBox or Strelets) can make some one day ... Some Mars figures might be useful too, but they're not very pretty, only pretty expensive over here ... 🙄
You're welcome! For Eugene most of his battles have been painted by contemporary artists. You may want to take a look at those paintings to get an impression of those Ottomans to get an idea.
Be careful around Mugnais books. They're not well researched - at least in parts. There's a section on the Southern Netherlands national regiments in his book on the imperial army in the time of Eugene and it's full of errors ... it's not an easy topic but good sources are available if people care to look, but what Mugnai did there gave me some serious doubts as to the quality of his research.
I got this one on the recommendation of someone who is normally reliable. There is a general problem with Helion as the publisher takes submissions on trust.
I researched these regiments for Kronoskaf, the results will be published on their website sooner or later. If you're interested I can post the errors in Mugnai in detail. I suspect that he either doesn't know any German at all or has some very bad sources. As it is the regiments I researched were raised as Dutch in 1706 and went over to into Austrian service after the WoSS, that's why most regimental histories are in German. Besides there's probably a lot of stuff - unpublished - in the Belgian archives. Some however is easily available from the web - if you care to look - and obviously he didn't care very much. So there are a lot of errors in the lineage of these regiments, commanders names etc. actually it's quite a mess and an avoidable one beyond that. As long as he just copies from good sources his work might be okay, but as to this own research I'd rather do my own.
Just an example for Mugnai's "research":
In his book "L'esercito imperiale al tempo del Principe Eugenio ... La Fanteria, part 3, Mugnai lists five "Niederländisch Regimenter zu Fuss" raised in 1706 V1) Leopold Philipp Epr. D'Aremberg, V2) Joseph Mar. Lorpin, V3) Florian Fr. von Hartopp, V4) Raimondo Cm. de Sarrablanca, V5) Juan Luis Cm. D'Avila.
Only the first is correct: V1) Leopold-Philippe-Charles-Joseph duc d'Arenberg, duc of Aerschot and Croy. The second "Lorpin" is wrong. The name occurs only in Marlboroughs correspondence, probably corrupted due to a transcription error and should be "Manuel-José de Laspiur, Marquis de Villalta", the third is wrong again, correct is Thomas Dominique de Hartop, the fourth is wrong again, should be F[rancisco] D[omingo] de Salablanca, the last wrong again, should be Don Pedro d'Avila.
Correct names can be found in Baron Guillaume, "Histoire des régiments nationaux des Pays-Bas au service d'Autriche", Bruxelles 1877 and elsewhere.
Uniform description is wrongly given as green coat, cherry red distinctions, probably after Knötel, who alas has it wrong. The regiments of the formation from 1706 to 1712, wore a justaucorps of gray cloth and red linings, kersey trousers and waistcoat, 27 large buttons and 36 small ones (tin), (Cayron, la véritable histoire de Jaques Pastur, p.180, note 27, after: Secrét d'Etat, No. 560).
All researchable without great effort. Finding such errors makes me question the value of the rest of his work. Which of course doesn't mean everything is crap, but it's annoying.