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Friday Announcement

Dear Sirs,

please, find below the masters for WSS set 268 German States' Cuirassiers in Skirmish.

Best regards,


Re: Friday Announcement

Amazing....just amazing.

Re: Friday Announcement

Simply marvellous!

Such interesting and varied poses. The drummers in these cuirassier sets will be beaut in their own right and fantastic for assorted conversions.

I look forward immensely to getting my hands on all four of the coming sets of late 17th early 18th C cuirassiers.

Thank you and all the very best to you all (and for an end to the stupidity of shooting war).


Re: Friday Announcement

VERY good work!!!
Looking forward to having them...

Re: Friday Announcement

absolutely superb sculpts, my compliments on these, really looking forward for all future WSS releases, Strelets team are amazing in bringing out these great sets in such difficult times, rec'd Garde du Corps sets recently truly lovely figures , so i can now do all 4 companies

look after yourselves , stay safe
cheers Old John

Re: Friday Announcement

Amen to BOTH those sentiments!

Re: Friday Announcement

Another time again I'm amazed...beautiful sculptures...fantastic works ever. Brava Strelets !!

Re: Friday Announcement

These look superb. Well done!

I'm assuming/hoping that these horsemen will have horses which are mainly standing, to allow all that loading and firing to be done accurately?

Best wishes, and stay safe:relaxed:

Re: Friday Announcement

These cuirassiers look wonderful !

Fantastic sculpting

You filled a real gap with these early 18th century Curassians. And they turned out wonderful.

Re: Friday Announcement

Feels slightly wrong to critize anything given the wonderful sculpting and the circumstances under which these small gems are produced, but this does look a wee bit like a dragoon standard ... ah well, it can easily be replaced and I'm not good at painting flags anyway ... 🙂. I'm probably going to buy it just for the drummer ... 🙂🙂🙂. Stay safe and prosper folks!

Re: Friday Announcement

Can’t wait to add these to the collection as well. Brilliant work Strelets. And although it may be a bit too early to ask, but do you have any sort of time table on when these may be released? Again, amazing work as always!

Re: Friday Announcement

Perhaps still got with other periods? Thats were a dream. Stay strong!