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Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

If you have to have shooting that's the best kind to have.

Good looking figures.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Whilst all things SWS are applauded, something a little deserty would make a nice change.

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Excellent figures, does anyone know what nationality they might be?

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Excellent figurines! Bravo! I assume that these are also the Dutch for the later period of the war. I focus on the presence of a powder horn on my belt. I welcome these figures very much, because the Dutch were the most in the army of the Grand Alliance!

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

I think you're right, although the grenadiers would probably clinch it ...perhaps they'll be produced as the United Provinces' famous Blue Guard, but they can have multiple uses anyway.
Strelets has done such an amazing job on this previously neglected period, particularly in current circumstances.
Meanwhile, while not an important ingredient in most of the WSS (there were a few in Italy, a hussar set could be the cherry on the cake for this collection - if done in the same exuberant style as the 17thc Ukrainian cossack cavalry they could be a knockout. Just a thought.

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Some very nice figures there Strelets.

Any further news about the Napoleonic Bavarians in square or the British in square? Think I remember seeing some British masters....unless I was dreaming?!!

Best wishes for your staff & sculptors. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Great work as always!

I suppose the Napoleonics have a different sculptor, perhaps he's preoccupied with other things. You never know these days. I'm just glad for Strelets and us collectors that they manage to go on with business at all and at the same high quality. It's a small miracle.

So, everybody, stay safe and prosper!

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Great figures, very good sculpting and the prospect of another excellent firing line set - perhaps Dutch?

Wishing all a safe and relatively peaceful weekend.:relaxed:

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

Outstanding looking figures yet again. Excellent poses, great detail and those cool purple bases to boot (ha, ha!!).

Thank you so much for your continued Friday treats, for your good-spirited humour and for just keeping on!

Kind regards,


Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

:smile: :hugging_face: :tada:

Re: Friday Update - Shooting Is Going On...

High standard of sculpting as always and superb detail. What a pleasant surprise. Thank you Strelets!