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Re: Friday Update

The two Japs are nothing like animated enough, I know that is hard given a static pose and the two part mould, but they are in a life or death struggle in the most close quarter combat, they need to look like they know that.

Re: Friday Update

Great to see you are still OK and able to post stuff. But can I be a little critical. The Japanese soldier using his rifle as a club just doesn't seem right and seems to begging to be shot or bayoneted by an opponent. Also, please can we have fewer SMGs, the first two early American sets have plenty and, although, I understand the need to depict a Thompson and a Sten in the Indian sets there still seem to be too many. Hope you view this as constructive criticism. Stay safe.

Re: Friday Update

Hello all you wonderful people at Strelets'
It is so reassuring to see your postings.

I'm sure I speak for all my fellow forumers, when I say that you are constantly in our thoughts.

We hope and believe that you will pull through and grace us with more amazing figures.

I'll be happy with most of what you are making at the moment. I won't even mention more camels :innocent:

Re: Friday Update

Always good and re-assuring to hear from you, Strelets. The lack of wigs and large cuffs this week is no matter, it is just enough to have a regular posting from you.

All good wishes, and stay safe.


Re: Friday Update

Very promising transition to the Far East Fronts. Very well done Strelets, stay safe and happy Easter!!!:+1: :+1: :+1:

Re: Friday Update

Happy Easter to all the Strelets team. Safety, health and happiness to all your staff, family and friends. And peace in the not so distant future as well, I hope. Thank you for the most wonderful update!