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Friday News

Dear Sirs,
as per your requests, please, find below few new masters:

Best regards,


PS. Recently we replenished stock of Strelets sets with various shops around the world. With all the uncertainties around, it may be a reasonable idea to pick up something, that you've been thinking about but haven't get yet. We've seen before quite extortionate prices for out-of-stock sets and this opportunity may be a good one to avoid being hit by price hikes in future. As the history unfolds, we can't guarantee safety of moulds and it may be right to treat all the left stock as end-of-the-line one.

Re: Friday News

How very interesting and a first I think, an Owen sub machine gun and a New Zealander in the Pacific WW2 , the two guys hand to hand are an improvement on the pair we saw last too.

Re: Friday News

Dear Strelets,

Thank you so much for your continued efforts. Hopefully the production of these wonderful new masters is a useful 'distraction' for your sculptors.

Thanks too for your good advice, which is quite salutary. You people are most important though. Best wishes for your health and safety and for the madness that you are suffering through to end...

Regards, James

Re: Friday News

Good to see the continuing flow of new masters, and these are once again an interesting selection.

The news update and advice on buying up potentially scarce or 'no longer in production' sets is good advice, and sensible. We are all praying for the day when Strelets is able to resume business in a safe and peaceful Ukraine.

May you and yours stay safe.

Re: Friday News

Wonderful to hear from you, Strelets. I can't tell you how much I look forward to it!

Love the new Masters. Your sculptors have such creativity.

Thank you for the advice on exixting sets. I did buy those sets I missed the first time around, and still I couldn't find some others - my mistake!

And thank you for posting the Roman Forum Contribution. Wow!

OK, I and everyone else in your Hobby Family can now take a big breath in relief for another week - :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: Friday News

i dont care if its a period i collect or not, just hearing from you guys that you are safe is fine by me.

Re: Friday News

It's good to know that you're still out there. Stay safe! I just followed your advice and bought a couple of Strelet's - and Redbox - sets I originally didn't have on my list and despite the budget getting tighter thanks to the price increases everywhere. Hope you can continue your marvellous work in the - not too distant - future. If we need to crowdfund future projects count me in!

Re: Friday News

It´s good to receive again an information about you and Strelets.

Cursed war and marauding aggressors with supporters which are praising actually theirs new invasion-tank-models in Миниатюры 1/72 on VK.
May the brave Ukranians smash further theirs bloody war-machines.

Re: Friday News
