Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
A fine image of Russian Hussars emerging from a village and charging towards the camera...as if you were the camera-person and about to be charged down! A great photograph, and just a shame there are not more, as these figures look very good and the painting looks to be excellent; in particular, you have managed the braiding on those complicated Hussar jackets and the decoration on the sabretaches. The houses and background also look very good.
Nice to see a Napoleonic contribution. Well done Norbert!!
Thank you for the kind and appreciative words. I can announce that there is more to come. The webmaster already has 2 more of my works in his email box and hopefully on his publication list. The only question is when he will get around to putting them online...