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Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

A fine display of Russian Crimean Wars Hussars, charging out of a setting sun. Nice painting and photography.

This is a reminder that, a few years ago, Strelets tended to produce cavalry sets with horses charging at full speed. In my view, horses which are sculpted at a 'slower speed' look more natural, and thankfully this is what Strelets are now depicting in their sets. Troopers shooting to one side or other are also one of my bugbears....where do you place these figures in a formation? The trumpeter in the last photo may have blown his last notes.....?

But, a good and vigorous depiction of mounted men in action. Well done indeed Miguel!

Re: Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

This is the ONLY Russian Crimean cavalry set by Strelets that I have never cared for.......until now. It turns out that all they needed was a little paint}:=)) Beautiful work!

Re: Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

Miguel, you have brought out the character of these figures so well with your fine painting and lovely basing. They look impressive and dramatic on their own and I can imagine how good they will look crashing across a battlefield!

Regards, James

Re: Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

I concur with previous comments concerning painting, poses and photography. The treeline backdrop was particularly good giving a more natural look to the photographs.
Thank you for sharing these very nicely painted figures.

Re: Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

Some really nice painting Miguel & it shows those old Crimean cavalry sets still have their charm. You have certainly done this set justice with your wonderful efforts, so as others have said, well done!

While I too think the charging poses were a tad over dramatic (not the 1st cavalry set made that way!), I still prefer these horses to the new Napoleonic ones, as these at least had more of an equine look to them!!

The WSS horses & cavalry sets in general however, are fantastic & in a league of their own!

Re: Russian 12th Hussars Contribition

Very nicely done and great to see these veteran figures in action, especially as I am putting together the Russian forces for our club Balaklava project at the moment. Thanks for the inspiration and I hope to see more Crimean War eye candy in the near future!