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Re: No, not a desert...

Great! Great dragoons! ... Hope to see in the next months austrians too ... and sometimes some Napoleonics or WW1 too

Re: No, not a desert...

Dear Alan,

as Strelets has just pointed out, sorry but no helmets for the British Cavalry during the WoSS :sob: and as for the cuirass, it seems it was worn UNDER the coat (if at all) by the British horse (at least that's what most sources say, not quite so sure about that myself). But if Strelets would go out of their way and produce some Ironsides for ECW, I'd be happy to buy them. So as for WoSS British cavalry looks fine as it is, but their Napoleonic successors did look a wee bit more dashing (at least imho).
Oh, and all ye Napoleonic and WWII fans, come on let's be honest: Take a look at PSR and you'll agree that there are way more sets available for both periods (and will be for a LONG time to come) than for WoSS, so if Strelets continues to focus on this period it's not THAT bad :wink:

Re: No, not a desert...

Dear Flambeau,

I agree. I am a Napoleonic devotee first, by far and foremost, but am more than happy to see these marvellous sets that are allowing Strelets to 'own' the early 18th C in Europe. I'll be even happier once the Imperials/Austrians and others start coming out! A few eastern Europeans would be just splendid...

*Then* we can have a veritable flood of Napoleonics, hahahaahahahaheehehehehohohohoho!!!



Re: No, not a desert...

OK , just gone backto the thread on the 11th of Feb, with the photo I had in mind, Osprey and therefore not 100% trustworthy, furthermore Steve P questions it and I would not question Steve`s knowledge on such matters. So seeing as my entering in to the spirit of all things WSS has fallen flat, I will stick to stuff I do know about......right then Strelets where are the Western desert Italians, Africa korps artillery etc ??? ;-)

Re: No, not a desert...

Alan Buckingham
So seeing as my entering in to the spirit of all things WSS has fallen flat, I will stick to stuff I do know about......right then Strelets where are the Western desert Italians, Africa korps artillery etc ??? ;-)
Ah, that's more like it, the Mr B that we know well...I'm sure these sets will come in the course of time.:grinning:

Re: No, not a desert...

Yes. There are indeed many Nap sets listed on PSR.

But as I have mentioned many times before, a fair few are discontinued, some are just plain rubbish or poorly designed & many do not do their chosen subject proper justice either. There is a lot of "cannon fodder" on those lists so to speak!
As I have said before, just because a set exists already, doesnt mean it cant be improved upon.

Nobody has said dont do any more WSS sets, of course not, many are interested in it.
I would just like to see it mixed up a bit, rather than full steam ahead on just 1 era.

Re: No, not a desert...

Agreed, but if I might venture a guess, I think most of us here are probably old enough to own many of those discontinued "cannonfodder" sets listed by PSR :relaxed:. That said, of course there's always room to expand and with collectors and enthusiasts of course there's never enough. However, if dear Strelets should resume doing Napoleonic sets (I'm sure they'll do), please consider making some Austrian Uhlans and Hussars (unavailbale in plastic so far) and reissuing those nice Russian dragoons from the Borodino set.

Re: No, not a desert...

I started in the hobby again properly around 2011/2012. Im 38. Im not a collector or wargamer. I am a diorama builder, namely concentrating on doing a build of the Battle of Waterloo, trying to recreate as much of it as i can.

Ok so yes a great many in the hobby have been there, done it & moved on in terms of that particular era and also Waterloo. I dare say some let out a big yawn at the mere mention of it...but not all of us have been in the hobby several decades. And there are still a lot of gaps and possibilities for that battle.

So by the time I came back into the hobby from my childhood, an example of a badly missed set is the Revell Nap British Infantry.
Ok so they can sometimes be found on ebay, eventually selling at least around £25 after auction, and yes there are poor copys of just a small few of the poses by Mars, but the Revell set is long gone generally. So with that being said, I would say there is nothing currently on the market that comes as close to being as good a set of British Belgic Shako Infantry, suitable for Waterloo, not for action poses anyway. So thats an example of why I may ask for a set that others think has already been done.
Oh and I would say there is plenty of "cannon fodder" out there that is not discontinued!! If a set is made that is poor in terms of sculpt, overall design and size, its fodder as far as im concerned!
Such sets I dont count in terms of whats available.

I dont really take much notice of what sets are listed on PSR in terms of grand totals. I just want to see really good sets of figures. Its a review site, thats what I use it for. Not as a guideline as what should and what should not be made.

Im not going to apologise for wanting Strelets to make sets that others may find "old news". Its Strelets excellent sculpting of today that makes me pine for those sets to be made by them. Thats a compliment to Strelets quality i'd say.

Sorry for the long post but I do find that the whole "its already been done to death etc" argument for Naps and more especially Waterloo, very disheartening to the point where I feel disillusioned with the hobby.

All Im asking is for a Friday teaser where the era cant be guessed before even looking!!!!! Just for a change!!!!!!!

Re: No, not a desert...Infantry for Waterloo 1815 (so not at all deserty).

Roger W
an example of a badly missed set is the Revell Nap British Infantry.
Ok so they can sometimes be found on ebay, eventually selling at least around £25 after auction, and yes there are poor copys of just a small few of the poses by Mars, but the Revell set is long gone generally. So with that being said, I would say there is nothing currently on the market that comes as close to being as good a set of British Belgic Shako Infantry, suitable for Waterloo, not for action poses anyway. So thats an example of why I may ask for a set that others think has already been done.

I bought my first sets of British 'Belgic shako' ('Waterloo') infantry and French ('Waterloo') infantry in 1973. Both were made by Airfix and they were the only Napoleonic infantry sets in 1/72..1/76..OO/HO scale plastic available at that time.

Many sets have been released since then, purporting to show late period British and French infantry. Some of these have been OK, some inaccurate, some appalling poor (ESCI 'British Infantry'). None of these really do the job properly, although the Revell set came close.

Lets be clear about this: The definitive 1/72 plastic sets of 1815 British infantry in poses 'suitable' for the largely defensive posture of British/KGL infantry on 18th June 1815 have still to be made. And likewise for the largely 'offensive' postures of French infantry on that fateful day.

It's a big gap in our hobby still waiting to be filled.

Re: No, not a desert...


nice to see it's not just us old folks interested in the hobby. I just checked my old boxes and I still have a some Revell British Infantry which I most probably won't be able to paint in this lifetime. (Red and grey plastic and off the sprue). I think I can part with let's say 50 or so. If you're interested I guess we could find a deal. I probably have some British foot artillery too.

Regards, Flambeau

Re: No, not a desert...

Hi Flambeau.

Thats really very kind of you to offer. Thank you!
Where abouts are you, do you live in the UK?

I only ask as i think if you are in mainland Europe, we might have an issue with the import/customs arrangements sadly.
I have been wanting to place an order with Spiera Miniatures but the current problems have put me off for time being. They are fragile so I dont want take the risk of them sitting somewhere for ages waiting to come across the channel.
Some people have ordered stuff here in UK from the EU and been hit with massive customs/import duties.
Others havent received what they have ordered, despite being sent weeks ago.
Hannants have had to stop sending parcels to the EU for now as apparently even they are having problems getting parcels through.
Its a right mess currently. Probably a mix of Brexit and Covid-19.
I would definately be interested though in those Revell Brits....lots of squares to make yet!!

Re: No, not a desert...

Hi Roger,

unfortunately not. I'm in Northern Germany. You may have a point there with regard to customs/transportation fees. Just checked it and they charge 12,50 € for a parcel to the UK (which is plain robbery). But perhaps a thick cardbord envelope might do. Some sellers send their figures (on the sprue) this way, which worked fine in the past and that's only 3,70 € if I'm not totally mistaken. Things have really gotten complicated over the last year ... You can also contact me via Bennos Figures Forum if you like, it's better suited for private messages, but you have to sign up.


Re: No, not a desert...

Hi Roger,

unfortunately not. I'm in Northern Germany. You may have a point there with regard to customs/transportation fees. Just checked it and they charge 12,50 € for a parcel to the UK (which is plain robbery). But perhaps a thick cardbord envelope might do. Some sellers send their figures (on the sprue) this way, which worked fine in the past and that's only 3,70 € if I'm not totally mistaken. Things have really gotten complicated over the last year ... You can also contact me via Bennos Figures Forum if you like, it's better suited for private messages, but you have to sign up.

Hi Flambeau.
Ah ok. Yeah its not just the postage at your end that is the problem. In fact its actually when it makes landfall here. The customs chaps see if they need slap any VAT etc on it and then Royal Mail & other couriers put "handling fees" on it. Some range from £8 to much much higher double figures.

As for Bennos, whether its via my phone or laptop, i just cant seem register. Theres this thing you have to do to make sure your not a robot/spam and i have no way of moving the word into the correct box as its just text, nothing to click on and move! So gave up!!

You have your email address linked to your posts so if its ok, I will put it in my address book, and hopefully when its all a lot more clearer how things work, i would definately like take you up on that offer.
It could indeed be that a padded envelope would be the way to go, 50+ figures dont take up much space or weigh much.
Give it a month and will have a more detailed look into how things work now at the border and if its a financially viable proposition.
As say I also want to order from Spiera Miniatures in Sweden, but its risky & confusing right now.☹

Kind regards & stay safe in these troubled times.

Re: No, not a desert...

Hi Roger,

that's fine. I've got a cousin London, who used to visit her mother over here from time to time (before all that Covid mess), maybe once the travel restrictions are gone for good there's a way to arrange something. Otherwise, as for the customs they can be an annoying lot, I once had a package "sleeping" here for about a month before it was processed. At other times they just don't even look at the stuff, you never know. Makes me wonder how Strelets' next releases will reach the continent, with their main distributor being based in the UK. Sometimes I just wish Hanover should have remained British ... :smile:

Re: No, not a desert...

I remember a year or two when the boot was on the other foot & all the sets coming out were nappy sets.
Now we are having a bit of a drought we just have wait a bit & be patient & the good times will be back soon I hope.
meanwhile I have been buying the sets I nearly bought in the last few years most are not strelets mores the pity.:blush:

Re: No, not a desert...

Steve H
I remember a year or two when the boot was on the other foot & all the sets coming out were nappy sets.
Now we are having a bit of a drought we just have wait a bit & be patient & the good times will be back soon I hope.
meanwhile I have been buying the sets I nearly bought in the last few years most are not strelets mores the pity.:blush:
Hmm not sure, think there was a nice mix of Nap, ACW, Sudan, WW2 etc around 2017-2018.
Then theres been the Foreign legion etc, along with the beginnings of the WSS.

Only time there has been a mad rush of Nap sets is with the "standing at...." etc range. All of which could of been put in one box with a 50-50 split between either shoulder arms/order arms etc. I personally dont think a set for each was needed. A range of "in reserve" sets would of been sufficent.

Again such designed sets are another reason why that list on PSR may look vast.

Re: No, not a desert...


Where a company brings out a quality range for a period the interest can follow.

Did nt do WSS until Strelets brought out its range.

Our club decided to go for it and each were tasked with producing a contingent. Danes for me and the Wild Geese to serve the Sun King. Covid has given us rather more time to prepare and paint. Plenty of Strelets WSS a gathering here in the North East (England)

Keep up the good work


Re: No, not a desert...

Steve H
I remember a year or two when the boot was on the other foot & all the sets coming out were nappy sets.
Now we are having a bit of a drought we just have wait a bit & be patient & the good times will be back soon I hope.
meanwhile I have been buying the sets I nearly bought in the last few years most are not strelets mores the pity.:blush:
Must agree with your sentiments - I want like to see more Great War and artillery subjects (some different allied WW2 pieces would be welcome) and would welcome a BEF set, but patience is a virtue.

I can understand groups pushing for their own interests but overall Strelet has over the years managed to keep most groups happy. Unlike some I do feel the policy of producing a theme a good idea even though it may not be what I want. I am sure that the Nappies will get more sets from Strelet sooner than the BEF set from HaT that I really want!

Good luck to those who want FFL and WSS - both are outstanding products even though they are not areas I have got into in a serious way.

Re: No, not a desert...

i agree bef top my list and the great war close behind. but patience,dont fret i think the nappy boys will be coming into bat soon there are a lot of you boys out there and are hosts wont forget you and i think the rest of us will get a few to. am just happy someone is turning out figures so quick we should all be thankful for that.

Re: No, not a desert...

Dear RCD and Radders,

Ooooh, more big guns for the Great War, yes please!

Along with Napoleonics, of course, in the broadest definition. Plenty of scope across the full years 1796–1815 (not to mention 1792–1795). The final sets of late Russian infantry to complete Strelets' offerings are highest on my own little agenda (a press-play, broken record kinda comment, sorry!).

But yes, patience and enjoying the superb offerings that are coming and the teasers each Friday are key.

Regards, James

Re: No, not a desert...

RCD, Radders et al

My 1st comment was tongue in cheek moreso than anything.

Mostly my posts on this thread were just in response to the commonly put across argument that Naps have been "done to death", especially Waterloo.
My posts are definately not in any way "why are we doing WSS and not making loads of Naps".

I have absolutely no problems with the WSS or any other era being done....not at all. Of course other eras should be taken on. In fact sometimes, depending on how feasable it is, i too may want such other sets for conversion abilites.

I am patient (have to be, owning/working with horses & being a keen fisherman!!!!).

Was just trying request a little variation in our Friday teasers....regardless of era.

Re: No, not a desert...

thats ok roger you said you have worked with horses being a fan of the great war have always wondered how when they drafted the horses off the farms and sent them off to war how did they train them to deal with the noise in the short time that they had and stop them from running away it must have been hell for them

Re: No, not a desert...

Hi Radders.

Yes it was terrible for the horses just like it was for everyone else in that War. The death toll was awful.
As for training, im sure the armys of the times had a well drilled way of doing it. I cant begin to imagine how they could possibly be aclimatised to somewhere like the Somme. Was bad enough for the men!!! The generals didnt seem to care how many men they sent to their deaths in futile attacks against machine gunned trenches, I doubt the horses got treated any better.☹
What I would say as in terms of general work, so many horses back then were used to pulling wagons, buses, and alike, big heavy horses pulled big cartloads on the farms, so they actually wouldnt of found pulling an artillery piece much different. Horses are actually veru strong and can pull much more in weight than they can tolerate on their backs. Cavalry horses would generally be of the more lighter sporting types, racing or hunting, who would already be used to "charging off" in mass groups.
Those were times that someone born in the modern world could hardly fathom.
Heres some links with some info on them and their uses.

If you havent seen it, War Horse is an excellent film showcasing horses in that war.

One bit of WW1 horse trivia I do know is that when the scots greys got posted to the western front, they quickly realised their beautiful grey horses stood out like a sore thumb so ended up having to paint them in Khaki!!!!!

Another bit of horse trivia I know is that after the Battle of Waterloo, the alive but wounded/scarred horses of the household brigade were left or sold in Belgium. A British surgeon (whos name I forget), bought a fair number of them and brought them back to Britian. He then removed musket balls & sewed up sword slashes on them and rehabilitated them at his country home. When they were recovered and turned out into the fields together, apparently he used like watching them form up in line and charge off, as if they were renacting their charge that day!!

Re: No, not a desert...

thank you for your answer fantastic, love the bit about the scots greys

Re: No, not a desert...

Another excellent set of sculpts! Seems that Strelets must be taking real enthusiasm from their WSS range-hence all the recent previews being WSS related. I can understand Napoleonic fans wanting to see some previews of their range, especially if the standards of the WSS range are matched However, I would be very content with lots more WSS previews in the near future!When I purchased their British Infantry in advance in October 2019 (?), I never expected them to create such impressive follow ups.

Re: No, not a desert...

Thank you for posting this article, it was really helpful. Great Article.
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