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The legion

Well done Mr Clarke , there are some very good and imaginative conversions in that lot , 10/10 from me.

Re: The legion

Very impressive...

As a great unit they look very "dangerous"...:heart_eyes:

Re: The legion

Ah, after my initial reaction " of where did that lot come from". I reread Alan's comments and looked closer at the pictures. Since recently failing to spot a dog amongst legion figures, I am trying to be more diligent before rushing to post.
I can only echo Alan and Gerds comments the figures look splendid.
What a rich vein has been uncovered by Strelets adding the desert lads to there catalogue. The enthusiasm seems to be more from past memories of comics and films than historical encounters but whatever the reason keep it up.
I am delighted to see more casualties amongst the pictures and whilst I dont do conversions as a rule there is a splendid stretcher carrying combination amongst the French light infantry Crimean set that could prove a fine basis for conversion.
So thank you for the inspiration. Its also thanks to this forum that I now have tents on order to house the latest draft of Legionnaires. By these occasional trips to the desert I am trying to minimise Viking fatigue....

Re: The legion

Dear Al,

Those legionnaires look great en masse. The many and varied poses are excellent, as Alan has noted.

Regards, James

Re: The legion

It's amazing how the pictures capture what was in my mind when I used to set up my old Airfix and ESCI legionnaires. I think I'm going to have to take the plunge on these latest additions to my FFL corps.

Re: The legion

Thanks boys

I've always wanted to combine as many sets as possible for variety, and the small conversions are just for fun

Best wishes