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Hi Minuteman
thanks for your reply.
Re painting, well I finally had a go at a early box of Hat Zouaves, using a mix of acrylics and enamels.
As I said I've never developed great painting skills, but I'm fairly satisfied with them.
So, I realized I wanted/needed a corresponding set of Confederate Zouaves using the Imex figures. I tried painting white skirts with Humbrol acrylic white which didn't take very well so I washed them again and tried again without much success. I then tried a few blue stripes using Humbrol enamel paint which worked a bit better than I hoped - I'll just have to use a bit of artistic license as info seems a bit contradictory.
I'll try some more painting later as I'm not feeling too good right now.
Maybe other brands of paint will work better, or is a problem peculiar to Imex, or maybe it's just me?
Best regards

Re: ONE QUESTION POLL! (Zouave painting)

Hi Richard, Different sorts of plastic take paint (acrylic or enamel) well or less-well and it is a case of try it and see of course. After lots of trial and error (quite a lot of the latter) I seem to have an approach which works for most plastics and involves: washing the figure; then coating with white PVA - which incidentally strengthens glued joints, areas that have been converted etc; then prime with Vallejo Grey primer (the sort your paint on); then undercoat, with a thinned wash of Burnt Umber (for areas of figure that are red/yellow/brown/flesh) and very dark grey/Paynes Grey (for areas that are black/white/blue/green). Then paint the figure as normal - I now use Vallejo, Tamiya and artists tube acrylics in combination; enamels only occasionally and usually for hard plastic figures and vehicles. The undercoating gives shadows and helps to provide definition to the finer detail in the sculpt - making it easier to see!

This all sounds a bit time-consuming but the paint seems to stay on the figure and does not flake.

I hope you feel fit to return to painting the Zouaves etc before too long.


I also subscribe to Malwarebytes and keep it up to date. I could have waited, and if it was a bad site, many folks could have had a problem.

My concern was for the members here, and I never suspect anything bad from one of the members, but people get hacked, even banks and governments, so you can't be too careful on line.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog


Mike Bunkermeister Creek
I also subscribe to Malwarebytes and keep it up to date. I could have waited, and if it was a bad site, many folks could have had a problem.

My concern was for the members here, and I never suspect anything bad from one of the members, but people get hacked, even banks and governments, so you can't be too careful on line.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blog
Thanks, Mike. Appreciate it.



Hi all,

As of Aug 11 1AM GMT - here are the latest poll stats (and I've added GC's 'Collector' answer in the thread to these numbers):

Wargamer = 32% (14)
Diorama Modeller = 2% (1)
Miniature Painter = 36% (16)
Collector = 30% (13)
Other/None of the Above = 0% (0)

Total votes cast = 44

Although mini-painters are still the majority, it now appears the gap as narrowed and we are all roughly equally divided between gravitating more towards being a "collector", "mini-painter" or "wargamer" as individuals.

I must say, reading all the comments in this thread has been very interesting indeed. What a great forum group we have here!


One grown up child. I play with mine. I have a large Western Front set up in my garage (Verdun at the moment). Trenches, wire entanglements, artillery, destroyed villages etc. Send them into action and gun them down with home made cannons and modified bb guns, just like I did when I first got into Airfix in the early 1960s.


I have very few unpainted figures, lots & lots of painted figures....I have an aversion to not finishing things.

As these thousands of figures are all based according to various rule sets & organised according to published army lists (more or less), then I must be a wargamer!

Of course, I might only get 10-12 games a year so most of my hobby time is spent painting & researching. So am I a painter?

I also like to put a unit to an army out on the table to admire. Is this a diorama???

And my COLLECTION is quite extensive in my chosen periods. Oh, no! I'm a collector!!!

Hmmm. So what label to stick on me? How about "odd"?



I answered the poll as a wargamer which is 99% of the reason for my purchases, however, sometimes there are figures I just have have regardless of whether they will end up in an army or not. DDS gendarmes was one and a lot of the Alliance fantasy sets, managed to resist the centaur but the minotaur are testing my resolve. So perhaps a little bit of a collector.


Paint dog
I have very few unpainted figures, lots & lots of painted figures....I have an aversion to not finishing things.

As these thousands of figures are all based according to various rule sets & organised according to published army lists (more or less), then I must be a wargamer!

Of course, I might only get 10-12 games a year so most of my hobby time is spent painting & researching. So am I a painter?

I also like to put a unit to an army out on the table to admire. Is this a diorama???

And my COLLECTION is quite extensive in my chosen periods. Oh, no! I'm a collector!!!

Hmmm. So what label to stick on me? How about "odd"?

donald, Your mainly painted collection of thousands of figures and your aversion to not completing things is admirable, extremely so. I wish I had a gene which allowed me to finish one project before starting the next.

Perhaps you might classify yourself as a 'Wargames-Orientated Painter/Collector with Diorama-ist Proclivities'? It's a bit long-winded but may work?

Minutemen aka 'A Yankee Kepist' (a 'Collector/Painter with prior Wargames/Diorama-ist leanings and too many Projects')


Hi again Minuteman
I see you make a lot of posts! Well, things get more complicated as I have a range of interests. Age - coming up 67 - and health problems impact on work,as does the heatwave - horrible - which I still do a little of and hobbies.
I don't recommend getting old - second childhood? I haven't finished my first yet, but sadly there's no going round again.
i don't suppose I'll ever turn out works of art but I'm attempting some basic paint jobs. Thanks for your advice, I'm trying undercoating a test batch of 10 Zouaves with Hobbycraft white glue (actually clear) which I think is similar to to PVA.
Thinking about models I've tried in the past I've had similar problems. I remeber doing a Matchbox Heinkel 111 and having a problem painting that, but oddly enough, another "on the go" project is the Matchbox FW190 which seems to be taking paint quite well. Again, resin models sometimes give problems. However, I don't lose any sleep over these issues, after all, it's just a fun hobby!
The Jacklex ACW artillery are coming along quite nicely, having been undercoated with acrylic black.
I just wish they'd provided alternative Union/Confederate gunners, and gunners actually serving the gun! However, it's nice to find a set with limbers and riders, which is where the ancient Airfix set scored. I'm always collecting, I'm currently awaiting an overdue order of the new Mars German Nightfighters which look interesting.....
I'm sure I'm not alone in missing Harfields Military Figures, who specialised in secondhand and discontinued figures etc. I'm surprised that nobody to it over as a going concern. I expect Skirmish is cancelled for this Sep, but I used to go whenever possible, and spent a great deal of money buying up and rare figures for my units and projects
Problem is, I have too many projects on the go at once as you may have seen in my previous threads, various AFV kits to finish, repainting and refitting old divisions,, trying to finish off Ark Royal.
My approach, which perhaps isn't the wisest or best is to start another project as one nears completion so I have never ending production lines!
I must be off now with so much too do and so little time, however, these forum threads do keep me stimulated and informed, so thank you Strelets! Keep the Forum threads going folks!
Best regards to all and stay safe


I feel I also fit into a few categories. I'll always be a collector as I enjoy buying new sets. My painting has improved and I paint more often and enjoy it, so I am a painter. I've made a few dioramas and now my painting is better, I plan on doing more dioramas. If I knew people local to me then I would start war gaming!


Hi Rich
you sound very similar to me especially with regard to wargames, lack of opponents being the main problem.
As I said in the Age thread I did try a local group but they seemed to have no time for or interest in new members. They ware just their own little clique and even at Skirmish shows they seem oblivious to onlookers, being wrapped up in their own games!
I'm thinking about dioramas, but it's always a question of finding space, I've filled up our box room, I have a cupboard in our spare front bedroom with aircraft, and an old wall unit holding the stash - it's all got out of control over the years!
If ever I stop work and retire, health permitting I can get on with more things......
Again, with a few tips other people, I'm trying to improve my painting but as I've said it's just a hobby.
Best regards to all and stay safe


Richard, if I could offer you two tips that I was given that have helped me with my painting:

Go to Acrylics and ditch the Humbrol.I use Vallejo Model Colour range.

Secondly, if you're not invested in lots of shading/dry brushing layering techniques etc, get Army Painter Quick Shade bottles. They act as a really simple wash and will improve any bit of basic painting. Finish your painting and then just brush the wash all over. Go on Army Painter website and they will show you a comparison of before and after.


I am an unintentional collector. During my working life, I collected sets with the intention of painting them " when I have time". Of course, when I retired I still didn't have time, and in fact the idea of trying to paint them all makes me stressed. So I paint a very small few from time to time and otherwise just admire what I have, occasionally setting the unpainted masses up for fun. If I could afford it, I would have someone paint them all, so I buy a lottery ticket occasionally. It's not like I don't have a plan.


I am a bit of a Hybrid - Collector, Painter and very occasional Diorama builder. Collector first - as I seem to spend so little time actually modelling or achieving anything of note and I keep amassing my figure sets and kits without much output. Painter/modeller next, as when I do get to paint or convert something I get real joy from what I have achieved and finally Diorama next.

Although the concept of a large scale scene of the "Charge of the Light Brigade" has always appealed, it is in fact(for me) impractical, better to stick to small vignettes with a handful of painted and based figures. Same with "Rorkes Drift" - great idea to make the entire buildings and surrounds , but more manageable to produce a small element or set-piece of the conflict.

I am not a wargamer so that does not feature at all with myself … although I do joke with some wargamer friends that it is the "dark side of the hobby"! :wink:


Hi all,

As of Aug 13 12.30 GMT - here are the latest poll stats:

Wargamer = 30% (15)
Diorama Modeller = 2% (1)
Miniature Painter = 38% (19)
Collector = 28% (14)
Other/None of the Above = 2% (1)

Total votes cast = 50


Very interesting, Baratheon. Thank you for keeping track!


Collector and to some extent diorama modeller.