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Nice week-end!

Re: Nice week-end!

Lovely Strelets—great to see more for the one true period hahahaha!!!!

Re: Nice week-end!

Dare I hope that it is Baden or Bavarian infantry?

Re: Nice week-end!

I was thinking Bavarian officer, perhaps horse artillery, or even a general for the upper figure, but the second one in the fatigue cap has me baffled. Does not really look French to me...

Anyway, they look beaut, whatever they end up being!

Re: Nice week-end!

All these new sets will be great additions to my formations. My wife asks me how many soldiers are "enough."

I tell her it's like John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men of his time was asked how much money was "enough."

He smiled and said, "Just a little more..."

How many soldiers are enough?

Just a few more...:wink:

Re: Nice week-end!

God is on the side of the big battalions:wink:

Re: Nice week-end!


Voltaire sagt: Gott ist nicht auf der Seite der grossen Battallione sondern der besten
Schützen (Siehe: Richard Sharpe)

Re: Nice week-end!

Wonderful figures, but it seems quite difficult to indentify them.
It´s astonishing calm here. Where are the specialists who knows which figures we are seeing here?

Re: Nice week-end!

Wonderful figures, but it seems quite difficult to indentify them.
It´s astonishing calm here. Where are the specialists who knows which figures we are seeing here?

We do not see the figure in profile, the Bavarian helmet would be more easily identifiable.But doubt is hardly possible: it is a Bavarian officer.