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I enjoyed seeing the recent masters of your Austrian Grenadiers in greatcoats.
Do you have any plans to release regular Austrian Infantry in the near future (with and without greatcoats would be nice)?
I feel that the market is still short when in comes to Napoleonic Austrians, especially considering that they were arguably Napoleon's most frequest battlefield adversary. I know HAT have some Aus infantry on the way, but without wishing to be unkind to another valued model-maker, those sets currently have a few "issues".
Really? They have just posted pictures of the new set and they look excellent to me.
If Strelets are to produce some I think without greatcoat would have a wider appeal...
Really? They have just posted pictures of the new set and they look excellent to me.
If Strelets are to produce some I think without greatcoat would have a wider appeal...
Really? They have just posted pictures of the new set and they look excellent to me.
If Strelets are to produce some I think without greatcoat would have a wider appeal...
On the new unreleased HAT Austrians the shakos have to be fitted by the purchaser. This isn’t a big deal (so long as the fit is good), but they’ve only provided shakos, and no helmets. Apparently there will be a later set that has the helmets, but no spare shakos. Previous sets by the company provided various headgear types, giving us the choice. There is also the issue of HATs glacial pace releasing their sets; it may take another half decade to get the second set going by recent results. They were certainly getting panned by customers over on their forum last time I checked.
I agree that Strelets could get a wider appeal with greatcoat infantry - i’d certainly buy some.
"On the new unreleased HAT Austrians the shakos have to be fitted by the purchaser. This isn’t a big deal (so long as the fit is good), but they’ve only provided shakos, and no helmets. Apparently there will be a later set that has the helmets, but no spare shakos."
:grinning: Pancho - this is no longer the case - they come with helmets and spare shako or bearskin heads. The only problems I can see are the need to fill a few missing bits on the masters before they go on a a mould. They should be a good compliment to the planned Strelets sets.
"On the new unreleased HAT Austrians the shakos have to be fitted by the purchaser. This isn’t a big deal (so long as the fit is good), but they’ve only provided shakos, and no helmets. Apparently there will be a later set that has the helmets, but no spare shakos."
:grinning: Pancho - this is no longer the case - they come with helmets and spare shako or bearskin heads. The only problems I can see are the need to fill a few missing bits on the masters before they go on a a mould. They should be a good compliment to the planned Strelets sets.
That's great news, thanks for sharing. It's great when manufacturers listen to feedback from us enthusiasts.
I agree with everything that's been said so far. It would be great if Strelets could complement these exciting new Austrian sets with some infantry in greatcoats as well as dedicated cavalry and artillery.
Dear Pancho,
we've already published images for upcoming Austrians.
Yes I’ve already seen these, and they look great. I was asking if you had any plans to expand the range, i.e. regular line infantry.
I know you have recently released multiple sets of Napoleonic polish infantry, and then Highlanders and then French.
Will there be more sets of Austrians to go with the grenadiers?
Pancho, HaT usually publishes early pics of their figures for the expressed purpose of getting feedback from their customers such as you saw on their forum. That way they can get the corrections made while it is still fairly easy and get the best possible product.
Having said that, I am excited that we have two great companies about to produce several great sets of Austrian figures, which I believe will compliment each other. That's exciting for me as I hope to finally be able to field a complete Austrian Army with both helmet and shako as I choose.
I am hoping for further Austrian Artillery (there is only one mediocer set by HAT plus some wagons) and some more cavallery (there is not a single decent set for them).
that's good news these days. The "new" 1/72 figurine makers realized that the Napoleonic period was not reduced to Waterloo, Waterloo and Waterloo ...:innocent: