Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
Seems like the 1st set is just marching if going by the masters? And 2nd is advancing, surely they are appropriate for Pickett's Charge but I was expecting charging, rushing troops with flags and casualties, wounded and demoralized Confederates returning from the charge and personalities like Armistead and Garnett. Maybe climbing poses for the Emmitsburg road fence, soldiers surrendering.
There should also be a "Pickett's charge Union centre" with a mounted Hancock figure and an Alonzo Cushing figure firing last round, maybe some sections of the stone fence...
I hope you don't think I was trying to be a "smart " in my response to you, nor was I trying to speak for Strelets. I was so impressed with Strelets answers to my questions and other's back then that I felt it was worth recommending taking the time to go through the threads from last November 2016. But then again, that was 1/2 a year ago. And as they say "things change!"
I hope Strelets will post an update for us and those who are new to the forum and unaware of the older posts.