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Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
Yes – HaT went back to ring hands which are easier to sculpt than a natural hand shapes which will also take and hold weapons without glue. It is a shame as natural hands look so much better than ring hands.
I also have a bunch of Strelets WW1 Cavalry. They would look better with natural hands. BTW, I actually have 29 Strelets WW1 cavalry sets as follows:
German Cuirassiers – 2 sets
German Dragoons – 2 sets
German Uhlans – 2 sets
German Hussars – 4 sets
Russian Dragoons – 2 sets
Russian Hussars – 7 sets
Russian Kuban/Terek Cossacks – 3 sets
Russian Don Cossacks (Winter Dress) – 2 sets
Russian Don Cossacks in Summer Dress – 4 sets
Lawrence of Arabia – 1 set
Adding a bayonet to the clubbing guy would be silly. He would gut himself on the down swing ( unless he was trying to commit “seppuku” ).
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
Pat Brennan
Yes – HaT went back to ring hands which are easier to sculpt than a natural hand shapes which will also take and hold weapons without glue. It is a shame as natural hands look so much better than ring hands.
I also have a bunch of Strelets WW1 Cavalry. They would look better with natural hands. BTW, I actually have 29 Strelets WW1 cavalry sets as follows:
German Cuirassiers – 2 sets
German Dragoons – 2 sets
German Uhlans – 2 sets
German Hussars – 4 sets
Russian Dragoons – 2 sets
Russian Hussars – 7 sets
Russian Kuban/Terek Cossacks – 3 sets
Russian Don Cossacks (Winter Dress) – 2 sets
Russian Don Cossacks in Summer Dress – 4 sets
Lawrence of Arabia – 1 set
Adding a bayonet to the clubbing guy would be silly. He would gut himself on the down swing ( unless he was trying to commit “seppuku” ).
Have a nice day.
Pat Brennan
You're right, ring hands to look good and work at this scale are, how can I say, "a compromise" both camps, either way, have to live with. The old Britains Swoppets were naturals, and look so cool. To do my own same kind of conversions at our scale (Giant Plastics Corp/Hong Kong copies) of the Knights is a real challenge, but fun.
Durn! 29 ww1 cavalry sets. Ouch, you got me. But, I'll try to make it up when the ACW sets come out.
I wasn't serious about adding the bayonet, but why isn't everyone sniveling about 4 bannermen, or 4 officers? Just saying.
What I have learned to try to do these days (I emphasize "try") is ask for and support the poses I want. I try not to say out loud and directly is ... "don't give the other guy what poses he just said he wants."
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
I'm agnostic on whether or not there should be a clubbing Japanese guy in the set. But there is one set of Japanese opponents that has not been made by anyone and cries out for the Strelets treatment, and that is the KNIL. Please make a set, or two if you are really feeling your oats.
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
Hi Cappy
While it is possible that these things may happen, they are highly unlikely. The bayonet was the closest thing to a sword that the average Japanese soldier would ever get. The sword was a big deal in the "bushido" that made up WW2 Japanese culture. The Japanese soldier took very good care of it.
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
Pat Brennan
Hi Cappy
While it is possible that these things may happen, they are highly unlikely. The bayonet was the closest thing to a sword that the average Japanese soldier would ever get. The sword was a big deal in the "bushido" that made up WW2 Japanese culture. The Japanese soldier took very good care of it.
Pat Brennan
If I may, here are more pictures of fighting men that you would assert are historically highly unlikely. Prussians w/boyonets in nappy times, ww1 germans clubbing, and more, so much evidence. I'm going with Strelets sculptors and like the clubbing pose.
BTW, "bushido" is a samurai thing, not Japanese thing. Not all of ww2 Japanese subscribed to the samurai philosophy. When the samurai class with their swords were outlawed, the samurai class were the founders of the Japanese Imperial Navy and Army who got them into trouble. I lived in Japan for 14 years and had many conversations with them. Don't mistake a high sense of pride and success as a group synonymous with all Japanese being of former samurai class nor minds ...
Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack Ring Hands
Perhaps the ring hand is a solution for the soldier clubbing problem.
Make him a ring hand figure and give us a choice of a man with a rifle or a man with a sword.
If we got 48 poses in this set, then one guy clubbing would be okay.
My concern is we are getting 12 poses and 8% of them are clubbing and that just seems too many for my taste, three or four spures with one clubbing guy each is more than I really want once I buy 6 or 8 or 10 boxes of them. A platoon of clubbing guys is a bit much.
My first choice, would still be a man with a light machine gun and bayonet.
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack Ring Hands
Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Perhaps the ring hand is a solution for the soldier clubbing problem.
Make him a ring hand figure and give us a choice of a man with a rifle or a man with a sword.
If we got 48 poses in this set, then one guy clubbing would be okay.
My concern is we are getting 12 poses and 8% of them are clubbing and that just seems too many for my taste, three or four spures with one clubbing guy each is more than I really want once I buy 6 or 8 or 10 boxes of them. A platoon of clubbing guys is a bit much.
My first choice, would still be a man with a light machine gun and bayonet.
Re: Masters for Imperial Japanese Army in Attack are up
Pat Brennan
I had a long post ready to go. Then I decided that it was time to end our discussion.
Pat Brennan
Hi Pat,
You don't need to say "peace" to me. You and I never did have a problem here in this thread, unless you want to fight someone else's fight for them. You know who, your choice. So moving on ...
I'd and others, I'm sure, would like to hear what you've got to say more about toy soldiers. I like all of the suggestions from the forum members recommend for poses. Strelets will ultimately make the final choice and maybe, just maybe, we'll see all of our ideas in this and future sets.
Since the ring-hand days, I've done many "hand-swops" (not weapon swops). I could design one pose that you could swop with hands attached - for swords, pistols, rifles, flags, grenades ... and only one figure.
I'd also like to hear about your knowledge and experiences with Japanese and Japan are. You have baited me! I acknowledge my opinion is mine alone, and I'm not a scholar.