Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
Dear Haron,
Anything planned for the samurai? I know I need to pick up the sets already out, but you wouldn't need much to complete the range - mounted and foot samurai, maybe different boxes for melee and ranged ones, but that's about it. Two foot sets would do it imho - something like the pike-halberd could work with naginata and yari, other than that, katana, no-dachi, bow, maybe musket, and separate sashimono is possible, and two sets for mounted, one melee, one ranged to have enough poses for both.
Hope you'll consider expanding the range :)
I'd love to see some samurai from the Heroic Age when they were repelling Mongol invasions and inspiring war chronicles such as the Tale of the Heike.
What about zombie-hunters/survivors? Two set of zombies already are availabla, but there is no enemies for them. I understand: something is planned of course. But when to wait?
What about zombie-hunters/survivors? Two set of zombies already are availabla, but there is no enemies for them. I understand: something is planned of course. But when to wait?
Two sets are ready. I work with the third. When leave - I don't know.
Re: ... and "Dark Alliance"? A few questions, if I may?
Zombie hunters sound great! I'm going to assume they will be more modern to go with your modernesque Zombies? But some historical/medieval ones, to battle Caesar's historical Zombies, would be well received as well!
What else is planned? I know from some master figs that you have at least 2 more sets of Trolls coming. I hope them & a few sets of Zombie hunters is not all you have planned for this year?
Finally, will you be re-releasing your Cimmerians & current War Trolls in a different color? (PLEASE Gray!) You did the first run of foot Amazons in gray & I would love to get these in an opposing color gray to go against your tan Amazons. I did not buy any Trolls & just a few Cimmerians hoping you would do this.