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best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
I think the British infantry marching figures are the best Strelets have ever made simply perfect and Strelets have made them less chunky so will fit nicely with other good sets, Highlanders and Polish infantry marching are also very very good.
Just one thing where have the command figures gone they seem to have been sniped off 3 of the 4 sprues, I would have liked more of these, are Strelets making a command set? would also like to see firing loading and advancing figures done to match these wonderful sets.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
I would have bought the marching/attack sets if they had command figures on each sprue but not otherwise. I wanted the extra officers and in particular the sappers, but don't need the privates.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
I think the advancing Highlanders are going to be the best set ever. The marching Highlanders and the British and Polish sets are great too.
Alan Buckingham
We were told up front one of each of the command poses, so we can`t complain.
That's true and we tend to forget that a box full of figures with only one officer was the norm for a long time.
But people are suggesting that the sprues are produced with the command figures on them and then the command figs are cut off 3 of the 4 sprues. That doesn't make sense to me.
Producing the figures on one large sprue which is then divided into four smaller ones, three identical sprues with rank and file figures and one with a mix of rank and file and command. That makes sense. But paying to produce figs and then throwing them away? No. Why not put them in the box and people who don't want them can throw them away themselves. Or put them in a separate command set which, incidentally, I'd be happy to buy.
I suspect that no figures have been cut off. I suspect that if you took the four sprues from the box and joined them together where the cut marks are they would make one perfectly symmetrical larger sprue That has command figures in one corner.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Well, speaking for the Stamford Bridge and Hasting battle sets it's pretty obvious that the command figures (standard bearer, horn blower, and King) have been manually cut from all but one sprue. I think I understand what Strelets was trying to achieve but it does seem strange that they would go to the extra expense of cutting just to keep from duplicating these poses in the featured sets.
Some of these poses would have made excellent conversion opportunities. I'm sorry they are missing. I wonder if there is a bucket of spares back at headquarters. Maybe Strelets could give us collectors a chance at them.
One minor complaint, unfortunately common with most manufacturers, is that some of the weapons, where attached to the srpue, were broken. I was only able to save one of several favorite danish axe poses from this fate. Overall the sets are great, good sculpting and variation with a chance to get the older sets if you missed them when they first came up.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Well Strelets - are you listening? Would you want to get into the direct sales business by selling us bags of command figures? No box, premium price, but the aggravation of having to invoice/collect money from us - maybe via Paypal? Trips to the post office to send us little envelopes of figures.
But if you fancy it, I would buy the command, at same price as metal as that is what I have to do currently.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
I feared as much.
Oh well. Maybe bare that in mind next time - save labour costs and find there is a ready market for extra command figures.
Me, I have bought the new Naps sets and, so impressed by their quality, I am buying more, and looking forward to the new advancing/attacking pose sets as well - really hoping they are out soon.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Strelets you have excelled yourselves take a bow, all 3 Napoleonic marching sets are top class with the Brits just edging it for me as the best, with the 3 Attacking sets you have planned and more command figures we surely could not ask for anything more.
Well of course as you know by now we customers are never satisfied, we always want more some loading, firing and advancing poses along with any of the missing command figures would complete your latest master class.
Finally are you still planning some Nap Highland officers/flagbearers in trousers?
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Dear Brian,
decision about expansion of this line will be taken on the basis of the sales.
Should we decide to make further sets, Scots in trousers will be included.
Please be guided accordingly.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Dear Mark,
these figures don't exist, they all were recycled.
Best regards,
This is more than a little strange, next time send them all to me I have just opened a recycling plant right next to my Wargaming table.
Dear Brian,
decision about expansion of this line will be taken on the basis of the sales.
Should we decide to make further sets, Scots in trousers will be included.
Please be guided accordingly.
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Nope, sales should not be a problem if the wholesalers stock them. I have bought all three Nap marching sets, will be buying more, and am looking forward to the attacking sets now as well.
Excellent figures, the best I have seen from Strelets
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
All Gone
Hannant's stock levels Nap British Infantry Marching 0, Polish Infantry Marching 0, Highlanders Marching 0. Well that did not take long when can we have some more?
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Hello Strelets,
You seem to have less faith in your products than your customers, they are beautiful figures in a popular era with superb poses and detail what's not to like?
It would be a good time to contact Hannants or their supplier and say we see you have sold out of our beautiful figures would you like some more?
Re: best Strelets set ever or are we missing something?
Quick update on Hannants stock levels Nap British Infantry Marching 0, Polish Infantry Marching 0, Highlanders Marching 8, I should have order more while I had the chance. Firing, Loading, Advancing and more command figures anyone?