Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
Please Strelets keep in mind that many of the existing sets by Imex. Esci, Accurate were small in scale, around 22-23 mm, these new ones produced by you should also be in that range. 25 or even 26mm will make them stand out too much!
life is full of surprises and not all of them are nasty.
Best regards,
Dear Strelets,
Call it superstition, or magic, or just plain ole looking up at the sky and wishing upon a falling star, I'm feeling anticipation and excitement. The Strelets Team is keeping me young forever - Thank you!
By the way, if I may state a preference regarding colors, I'm hoping any Confederate Gray or Union Blue will match your excellent Confederate General Staff and Union General Staff sets. I've got bunches of both these sets and they have been waiting for some new recruits to lead into battle. I can hear their buglers blowing the sound of revelry now.
This news is probably the most anticipated set ever, just some suggestions for Strelets:
-Must have fixed bayonets, the whole point and joy of seeing a marching column is the gleam of bayonets.
-Add a sprue with separate knapsacks customers can glue on the back of figures missing rolled blankets across the shoulder.
-Please think about size, not too large!