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Hi Marc, I would think so, those HaT MAC sets can be hard to find now. I always expected them to do ACW in a similar format but it appears Strelets has beaten them to the punch!
I note that this set has 12 poses and you have already posted that command figures are still to be added. My questions is will they be the same four command poses in the marching set
I look forward to hearing your response so that i can update my pre order currently sitting at 40 boxes worth.
Will we be lucky enough to see many of these sets under the Xmas tree, I have been very good this year.
I always thought the command sets were better as white metal personality figures otherwise you end up with surplus figures which have poor conversion potential. OK if you want to do a diorama of synchronised flag waving cheer leader style troops or a Tattoo drumming spectacular.
The term "attack" is surely to be taken at face value as some of the poses could be the platoon moving to fire or part of the file moving to fire their flintlocks whether that is a firing or an attack pose is therefore open to debate or preference.
The flintlock once loaded would be carried at half **** and then shot at full **** with the mechanism literally moving up a notch. The visual difference is a bit more space between the flint and the frizzen at full cock. The right hand would be closer to the trigger at full cock. Therefore the pose gives a good idea of where the soldier is in the firing sequence. For those lucky enough to have seen re enactors there is of course more loading , movement than bang bang. Fixed bayonets and firing would be if there was a danger of cavalry or the imminent closing of enemy infantry eg a French column. For the counter attack I would have thought some of the flintlocks with bayonets would have been more horizontal and the poses a little more vigorous. Some of the old worm bayonetting poses and the formation team of musket clubbers still exist in many miniature firing lines but Strelets venture seems to be an attempt, to use an expression, to go beyond half **** realism.
I would recommend Osprey The Flintlock Musket- Stuart Reid (2016) and British Napoleonic Infantry Tactics-Philip Haythornthwaite as I have run out of stamina and they do it much better than me.
Sorry this madcap mindless censoring thought I meant ***** rather than a male fowl so **** = (0(k . It must rule it out for ornithologists though if you wish to or already have put an expletive there fine by me.
rest assured, command group will be different.
Plan is to release 3 Napoleonic marching sets before Christmas.
We don't know which country you are from, assuming you live in the UK, all going well, you'll have them by Christmas for sure. We are less confident about countries, outside continental Europe, as transit times can be quite lengthy, especially this time of the year.
I feel sorry for my niece and nephew, will have to tell them santa's diet failed and he cant make it down my chimney which is in sunny Scotland. I look forward to my great xmas, which is thankfully going to come via more traditional transport methods.
we are on different sides of a barricade on this issue, aren't we ?
On a serious note, there's nothing unusual about situation you've just described - we've, during our still not very extensive lifespan, witnessed emergence of pagers, fax machines and other devices, that were completely phased out due to advances of even newer products, that substituted all previous ones within a very short period of time.
These figures I absolutely love so will have to have about ten boxes, but as a collector I do hope that the box art is better than it has been, as I enjoy the box art as much as the figures but lately I think it isn't the best, in fact its not that good at all. Please stretlets R go back to your original type of box as they were much better.
Many thanks Phil
I know in these days of internet searches and access to information it is easy to research how your soldiers should look when painted but I still like to have a handy reference available right there on the box.
So I for one like your new box art style.