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May I request the following if you decide to make a British Peninsular Line Infantry on the March set in regards to the structure/configuration of the set.
All the above figures are important key components of the command group.
In reference to the NCO's/Sergeants - all three figures would be great to be included within the set, or a combination of 2 of the 3 would be fine.
Additional figures that may be considered:
Mounted Officer x1
Musicians (Fifer, Bugler)
Line Infantry:
6 unique individual marching poses (minimum) as per Highlanders & British Infantry March set.
In terms of the marching line infantry my preference would be if the set only contained marching figures of the type with muskets at rest on the left shoulder (shouldered arms). These figures are very useful to help build line infantry units marching 'in the midst of the turmoil of battle'.
I feel these figures will enable to minimise wastage of figures as units can be built in the combination that may be required. It is this flexibility of unit building that Napoleonic fans not only find very useful but may strive and search for in sets. Hence the objective to maximise the usage of the available figures within a set and to minimise unused figures maybe fulfilled.
While the 4 master figures carrying muskets via the strap/sling (as per the Highlander & British Infantry on the March sets) are finely sculpted figures. For me they will only be useful for the purpose of vignettes, diorama or the enjoyable fulfilment of painting.
If this type of marching figure is desired to be made in future sets, I would very much hope & prefer they are included in a separate marching set.
Unfortunately they will not serve the purpose of building marching units hence the result of having an excess of unused figures (miniature wastage) , as they form a significant proportion of the figures in the marching set. If one purchases a sizeable number of the currently proposed Napoleonic marching sets an excess of unused figures may occur.
If it is only possible to develop one set of Infantry on the March and there is a desire/requirement to include figures carrying muskets via the strap/sling then I would hope you include 2 figure poses of this type only as per the Polish Infantry on the March set.
If in the future Strelets decides to make Infantry on the March sets for other nations, ideally I would hope you would adopt a figure set composition that includes the proposed structure/configuration expressed in regards to the Line Command Group and Marching Line Infantry with shouldered arms only (a minimum of 6 unique individual marching poses of this type). Where required the necessary figure type adjustments made for each nation.
Thanks for listening Strelets, I hope what I have tried to respectfully convey maybe taken into some consideration.