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This is going to be one very, very popular figure set..
A war chest has been built many a treasury plundered and a Kings coin raised to recruit these fine fellows to do their bidding upon the battle scarred fields of war...
I for one will require a substantial number of these and I am certain many a Napoleonic fan will need a sizeable number as well.
I hope this set is released before Christmas.
In the realms of which encompasses all that is Napoleonic, Strelets this is the beginnings of something special...
May this adventure you Strelets are taking us upon continue to captivate, excite and awe inspire.
I have not purchased an ACW set in a very long time. If Strelets ACW set continues to fulfil its promise as to what has been shown. I must say you will change this very swiftly with this set. This journey Strelets you are taking us on is becoming one exciting adventure. Each recent set showing continual improvement in sculpting style.
In some aspects these ACW masters look even better proportioned than, dare I say Nap Brits Infantry, they look so very natural and realistic in their posing. The faces look life like, in particular the bearded gentleman, he looks like he has stepped out of an ACW silver screen epic. Both figures portray good movement, showing a sense of urgency in their motion. Anatomically correctly proportioned legs (this is the size of legs I hope you maintain and use in future figure sets they look just right , not slightly thin as in some other sets). Although I have yet to see all the remaining master figures for this set - this may be the standard of quality to be followed in terms of physical proportions for figures in future sets - I hope Strelets builds upon this and further excels in the art of sculpting masters.
I hope you follow historical accuracy for the rest of your marching figures for this set (as shown in drill manuals/literature - shoulder arms, right shoulder shift etc), so for those who wish to build ACW marching units for wargaming purposes have a set whereby all figures are readily useable.
I hope there is a Command Group for this set that is structured well and includes all the key types of figures required to lead these men into the mire and cauldron of a war torn terrain of conflict and battle.
Strelets did the same gentleman sculpt these figures as Nap Brits Infantry/Highlanders ?
If you do a Confederate firing line set, six firing figures and six loading all different , I will buy a few sets, it`s been on my 1/72 bucket list for ever, but no figures on the market past or present have floated my boat.
Re: "now get back to making figures in periods I don`t like now
while I still have a roof over my head".
May we do it quickly, Sir?
Best regards,
Please add bayonets to the rifles! Otherwise they might not blend with other marching figures from other makers. Can we hope for a casualty set too someday?
Thumbs up again Strelets. You have the winning formula for wargamers with good sculpting, marching poses + popular subjects that have don't have much adequate coverage with other manufacturers current/available sets. (ACW fans must be looking on with envy and wishful thinking that their time will come)
Now to find a way to live longer, have more money, maintain my eyesight and keep a steady paining hand. .. and find a way to keep convincing she who must be obeyed that I NEED all of the latest/future releases.
Wow, what else can i say, except that i have just pre - ordered 30 boxes, 10 boxes each of the three new sets. Just fantastic, next problem telling family santa is giving our house a miss this year.