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Well these just could be the best WW2 Japs ever, loving all of them, but full marks for the guy with the light machine gun, and the guy firing holding the gun above his head, a real authentic combat pose,bravo Strelets .
GC your right, and it was true of the Japs too , long trousers, but, as the war wore on and the US navy tightened their grip around the home islands supply's became short, so tatty long trousers were often cut down out of necessity, these are however tailored so if indeed tailored shorts were worn by the Japanese army it will be news to me, I await PSR`S view on them.
According to the US "Handbook of Japanese Military Forces" 1944:
"3....... "The Japanese jungle soldier is issued a minimum of clothing and equipment. Open throat cotton shirts, with either short or long sleeves, and cotton trousers, worn with spiral puttees, are the usual clothing. In some areas shorts are worn, but rarely in combat areas."
so shorts existed as part of a tropical uniform though rare in combat, but it doesn't say never or how rare... so I think strelets should be given the benefit of the doubt on this one........ in any case thee are plenty of japanese soldiers in trousers/breeches already...
It's funny. I was going to bring up the shorts but I didn't want to seem picky about everything. Garrison is right. For the past 55 years most of my battles have been make believe so it is not really an issue. After all a hobby is supposed to be fun. I hope to purchase many boxes when they are released. My only request is TAN NOT GRAY like the gray Waterloo 1815 did their Japanese in. What were they thinking? My best to all! Cappy
Very nice figures indeed.....definitively going to buy them.
Few figures appear to have big front pouches...are they correct?
Furthermore: I really hope you'll continue on this range with some nice additions like:
- ragged japanese troops
- troops manning supplies, ammo boxes, building defences
- artillery + Crews
I'm a diorama builder not a gamer. I usually modify figures to suit my needs (frankensteining :-) ).....but it would be nice to have figures that don't need to be modified.
The knives carried by some of the figures indicate that they are Takasago (Taiwanese aboriginal) volunteers. Taiwanese were used by the Japanese as a sort of tropical commando. Overall this is an excellent set and I am absolutely loving everything Strelets has put into these sets. First Japanese paratroopers and now this! Never thought I'd see figures representing these troops and can't wait to see what the future has in store.
The knives carried by some of the figures indicate that they are Takasago (Taiwanese aboriginal) volunteers. Taiwanese were used by the Japanese as a sort of tropical commando. Overall this is an excellent set and I am absolutely loving everything Strelets has put into these sets. First Japanese paratroopers and now this! Never thought I'd see figures representing these troops and can't wait to see what the future has in store.
A mixed bag really. Not sure I find the shorts and the knifes useful. The officer seems to believe he was mounted! Three submachine guns is a total overkill for Japanese since the received so very few.
On the positive side, nice faces, proportions, and some other detail like the cammo branches and helmets worn over caps. The figure firing over his head is very creative. Strelets have clearly made an effort not to reprodcue the figures already on the market. Lots of bajonets also, which is great.
Since these are actually Japanese/Taiwanese special forces (they really should have called them that as opposed to the generic tropical infantry) the giyuto knives and sub machine guns are perfectly fine.