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Anything post WW2. French Indochina would be a great start, but also Korean War winter figures (USMC, Chinese, Commonwealth), Arab Israeli Wars, Iran Iraq, African Bush Wars, NATO WARPAC, etc...
This is a huge gap. We have all the tanks, planes, helos, vehicles, but no figures!!!
Feudal Japan, Koreans to go with them, modern figures would be a good idea (tho I have most of them set with having the Esci WARPAC set three times, plus Esci and Ultima Ratio SPECNAZ as well), HYW French, Mounted Sergeants, mercenaries, foot knights, mounted knights, Irish, Scots, Napoleonic french mounted Chasseurs, Spanish Cavalry, Spanis Artillery, WW1 late war British infantry, WW1 late war German infantry, WW2 late war commandos in berets, American War of Independence, etc. etc...
I may be an outlyer here, but I'd really like a series of proper Boxer Rebellion troops here. Whatever has been produced so far could really be improved massively.
There are also some key WW1 sets that are very much missing, in particular Romanians and Bulgarians. Greeks would also be nice, in particular the Evzones that fought so bravely in WW1.
Fill the gap between the familiar 1st century legionaries and the almost Byzantine "late" Roman sets.
Would not necessarily require new "Barbarian" types, as these legions spent as much time fighting each other for their respective nominees to the purple.
Though we still need some decent Goth/Vandal/Frank era German infantry units.
Also support calls for Anglo-Indian wars of 19th century; native armies would make great figures.