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problem with egyptian cavalry set from nexus - customization needed
hello everybody
i've encounter yet another problem in my great-work of assembling a large ancient army..
in this nexus set ATL02 - egyptian cavalry - (originally atlantic, and now distributed by italeri) the mold seems to be worse than bad because many elements are missing or you have only one part of element at your disposal (because of bad mold). i've bought two sets, and from 12 chariots i have only one model with ok elements.
here is ok-chariot:
..and here is the first problematic part - A part is ok, and A-- bad:
please note that A-- is bad, but still usable part. unfortunately i have only 7 from 12 usable A parts (except from one, all other are A--). the rest of A parts are not usable because only half of element is present in the mold.
.. here is the other problematic part - B is ok, and B-- is not ok and not usable due to short length:
here is picture A and B with ok-elements:
?? solution
i was thinking how to solve this by some custom parts. one simple solution that cross my mind is to make T parts from toothpicks and white glue, and than to :somehow: glue that wood to polypropylene chariot and horses. like this:
other than that i have no smart ideas for this.. (4 now @ least)
Re: problem with egyptian cavalry set from nexus - customization needed
1. Send your photographs to Italeri and ask for replacement.
2. Copper wire might be a solution for the drawbar. You can easily bend it to the right shape. Then remove the rest of the short drawbar, drill a hole in the front of the chariot and glue the copper wire in its place.
(Personally, I would make a small mold and cast some resin or pewter spare parts…)
Re: problem with egyptian cavalry set from nexus - customization needed
I don't think Italeri has anything to do with Nexus products, but I could be wrong.
As 0nn0 said, casting small parts would probably be the best solution. Toothpicks would be kind of hard to attach permanently to plastic.
I had been thinking of getting some Nexus Egyptian chariots, as my childhood Atlantic originals have long since gone to the Land of the Dead, but after hearing about your problems I will pass!
Re: problem with egyptian cavalry set from nexus - customization needed
The Atlantic/Nexus chariot is not very good. The Caesar* one is much better with a wide axle and correct rear positioning of the axle and room for the two crew provided. I prefer the Atlantic/Nexus horses so I would combine the sets an end up with something satisfactory.
This company did some better wheels for both chariots but intended for the Atlantic /Nexus one. Sadly they say they are out of stock but at least it gives a good idea of how the chariots should look.
Re: problem with egyptian cavalry set from nexus - customization needed
David O'Brien
The Atlantic/Nexus chariot is not very good. The Caesar* one is much better with a wide axle and correct rear positioning of the axle and room for the two crew provided. I prefer the Atlantic/Nexus horses so I would combine the sets an end up with something satisfactory.
This company did some better wheels for both chariots but intended for the Atlantic /Nexus one. Sadly they say they are out of stock but at least it gives a good idea of how the chariots should look.
*set H024 has two chariots
Would agree with Mr O'Brien, the combination of Atlantic/Nexus horses and Caesar chariot bodys is probably the best considering the limitation of whats currently available, caesar do a very nice Pharaoh in Chariot as well