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A set of WW1 Serbian Infantry 1914-15 in winter gear and with machine guns as this is a big gap in early WW1 Armies and would suit the Strelets style well.
Classic French Foreign Legion for North Africa in the colonial period. I think there could be a market for this, since it's been so long since anyone produced a new FFL set.
The figures from the WW1/2 artillery sets as stand alone sets. I am sure that I am not the only modeller who would like more of these figures. This makes ecomonic sense Certainly, Ace's artllery sets could do with gun crews.
For new products a French and Russian summer and winter gun crews would be usefulas would sappers for all combatants
Cumberland's British Dragoons for the Jacobite rebellion. Because I'd like to see Strelets's excellent Highlanders chasing them through the heather (sometimes history just gets it wrong).
ACW Union Iron Brigade! Of all the so called "cookie cutter" uniforms of the war, outside of Zouaves, this was the most distinctive uniform of either side! PLUS, you could legimately make 2 sets; one early war & one later war! Still distinctive, but 2 very different uniforms!
What one set would you guys love to see strelets make and why ? I'll get the ball rolling with Ww1 Mk v tank , no one else makes one and it would fit in well with late war ww1 and the Russian civil war
Russian Civil War Makhnovist partisans - a mix of infantry, cavalry and a tachanka MG carriage.
A colourful, wild bunch that would suit the Strelets style and fill a gap in the RCW range they started...
A set of WW1 Serbian Infantry 1914-15 in winter gear and with machine guns as this is a big gap in early WW1 Armies and would suit the Strelets style well.
... French and Russian summer and winter gun crews ...
These are all good ideas, and I would like to see any (or all) of them in the shops for me to buy. I note how Steve and Duncan talk of them "fitting the Strelets style". Whilst I would like to see a MkV tank, Strelets would have to keep the number of parts down to a minimum; I'm sorry to say I really did not enjoy building the Putilov Austin armoured car. I think a MkV doesn't need too many parts, so it could be done. Same with a tchanka.
Strelets already have two favourites in some stage of production - Lawrence of Arabia and the saint Chamond tank (although I think Strelets have previously told us the Saint Chamond has stalled and may not be produced).
But to add something new to this "ideas list", how about some pack mules with mountain guns. A gun similar to the one in the Russo-Turkish War set, for example the British 2.75in Gun, or the 10pdr, or maybe even the 2.5in gun (which would work for the Boer War as well as WW1).
These are all good ideas, and I would like to see any (or all) of them in the shops for me to buy. I note how Steve and Duncan talk of them "fitting the Strelets style". Whilst I would like to see a MkV tank, Strelets would have to keep the number of parts down to a minimum; I'm sorry to say I really did not enjoy building the Putilov Austin armoured car. I think a MkV doesn't need too many parts, so it could be done. Same with a tchanka.
A lot of good points, PDA. Another reason for my choice is the versatility for many other uses than just the Makhnovists I mentioned, e.g. WWI/RCW/Soviet-Polish War partisans plus tachankas were adopted by virtually all the many belligerents in the eastern theatre. Same reason the excellent War of 1812 American Militia set is so versatile for other uses. I don't know how many of that set have been sold internationally but two British retailers have told me they sold out very quickly.
The figures from the WW1/2 artillery sets as stand alone sets. I am sure that I am not the only modeller who would like more of these figures. This makes ecomonic sense Certainly, Ace's artllery sets could do with gun crews.
I've wished for exactly the same thing, RCD. Again - versatility (HaT made a clever decision to release guns and crews separately) :)
But I would also buy several of the other sets suggested here, like the Makhonvists, Artillery crews, and WW1 Serbian infantry. If cleverly done, they could be the basis for many a (painting) conversion.
Entirely agreed on the RCW Makhnovist, WWI Serbs, French Foreign Legion, Napoleonic Ottomans and the WWI/II artillery crews.
Any suggestion I could add should concentrate on the topics Strelets already offers within its well-established product lines I feel. So I won't ask for any Spanish Civil War, Russo-Japanese War or Byzantine Empire figures or the like... .
Considering that Strelets complemented the ever hungry WWII market with some interisting & original sets lately, what about one (or better two) sets depicting Japanese infantry in cold weather gear for China/Manchuria?
This could form a good starting point to finally fill an important but completely overlooked & neglected WWII gap. The whole theatre could be covered with only a few more sets imho. Add at least 2 sets of Chinese infantry in different uniform and a set of Japanese cavalry and we already have a good base for the chinese theatre of war 1937-45.
Otherwise I have to advocate for the WWI Serbs as well.
The Hät/Coates & Shine ones are an offence against the hobby.
The current centenary should be a good opportunity to finally add some decent & worthwhile figures for this important WWI belligerent.
Definately some WW2 Chinese which could be used up to Korea. Also I would still like to have some WW1 Italians to go with the Austrians in a light green plastic as this was a huge conflict for that time. That would be my one set. Best Regards! Cappy
Haiti Revolution of the 1790's to early 1800's - infantry with Toussaint L'ouverture and a few other Officers included in the box.
The Haitians achieved the only truly successful slave revolt in history, and managed to fight off armies from the three great Empires of France, Britain and Spain (trouncing an army led by Napoleons Brother-in-Law no less). Toussaint is one of histories under-rated Generals, considering his huge achievement.
These models would look awesome in Strelets style, i'm picturing them looking abit like Strelets French in Egypt range but with appropriate headgear.
Failing this, I'd join the folks who have suggested Napoleonic Ottomans.
a thread above about Anglo-Boer war makes us wonder if a further set or two, devoted to this subject, can be of interest to you.
The first one popping into mind is a Boar artillery set.
a thread above about Anglo-Boer war makes us wonder if a further set or two, devoted to this subject, can be of interest to you.
The first one popping into mind is a Boar artillery set.
Best regards,
Excellent idea! I'd love to see this done in Terracotta just like the Foot and Horse Boers. Excellent sets, both! Please count me in. How about, what's it called - "Big Bertha", or "Long Tom?" But soft plastic, please. Much like the Crimean Russian cannon in silver (and done for British in Terracotta). That's a great set and I've bought at least 15 boxes in Silver and another 4 in Terracotta. Good price, too. But I personally don't have any hard plastic kits. "Simple is best." I love the Soft Plastic Hobby. :-)
a thread above about Anglo-Boer war makes us wonder if a further set or two, devoted to this subject, can be of interest to you.
The first one popping into mind is a Boar artillery set.
Best regards,
Artillery/Heavy weapons for both sides, pom pom`s for example were used by both sides, another set of infantry for both sides would not be amiss, the British in slouch hats for example, far more common than sun helmets with both Brits and commonwealth troops as the war progressed. The Boers again could just be better, as infantry it was usually in a defensive roll and a second set could more accurately depict that.Transport, wagons and carts for both sides. Artillery limbers and crew, more uses than the Boer war, Afghanistan and the Sudan for example.