Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
I had an email today, quite out of the blue, from the Company that make Warlord games 28mm Rorkes drift buildings, three years ago I contacted them to ask if they would do a 1/72 version. Today they told me they had and were supplying Italeri, both buildings and complete with internal walls, so I am expecting it to be a scaled down version of the 28mm one. No Photo`s as yet as Italeri have not released them for public viewing although I am told the trade have seen them,quite excited by this development, fingers crossed it`s out by Christmas and under the tree Christmas day.
Thank You Alan for this very good news in our current too calm 1/72 world.
2 questions :
# 1. Will they be hard plastic buildings or laser cut such as their latest Waterloo farm set?
# 2. Will this set include down sized 28mm warlord games figures?
Please let us know.
Best regard
Thank you Alan for your information.
Just... what I feared...
OK for the old figures.
Now what is the final result for those laser cut things ?
Have you seen the Italeri Waterloo farm, for I haven't.
Isn't it a too toyish final result ?
If some body could tell us.
GO to the post Model game 2015 Bologna (dated Nov 22) then click on the photos showing +7, as you go threw them stop on the one of the Mirage jet, look at the background the whole thing can be seen, but not in detail. then keep going until you come to a selection on WW2 tanks, the side of one of the buildings can be seen quite close up.
Thank You Alan,
I already thank you yesterday, but it seems my message was removed...
You have very goud eyes to find the Italery Buildings.
Even from far tThey look good anyway.
I hope we can get soon better pictures.
Best regards.
I just hope they make the old ESCI Brits in red! I will be happy & so will others as I will be buying a few & selling off the extra buildings & accessories!
The Esci are not bad but I think the new Hat ones are better. I don't like the ESCI Zulus shields... I like the a call to arms ones too despite they are lightly smaller... Their Zulus are terrific and very lively.
Now about the Roke's drift set thanks to your information I found this link on the net about the Warlord Games Roke's drift set. It gives a good overview on what we could get, with lucky chance. May be you already know it, but in case you don't:
I really look forward for the buildings but I do hope too we get all the rest that could provide a very good diorama. The mealie bags and crates walls and the stone walls and the cart. All these things that could provide good diorama elements.
Let's hope !
Best regards
Yes fingers crossed, Hat have their wagons on the way, so at some point we get them, sooner the better, and unmarried Zulu`s. The mealie sack walls and redoubt I will scratch build. I started painting more Zulu war figures today after a long lay of, the old enthusiasm has come flooding back.
I use acrylics, but primed first with matt black oil, I have switched in recent years to using Wargames foundry paints, three colour system, African flesh , shade base and light, they give a very good finish.