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Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Several recent books - including 'On the Trail of The Women Warriors: The
Amazons in Myth and History' by Lyn Webster Wilde and 'Amazons: The Lives and
Legends of Warrior Women Across the Ancient World' by Adrienne Mayor - claim
that the Amazons were real. North of the Black Sea, archaeologists have excavated the graves of iron age women buried with arrows, swords and armor.
These burials were among the Scythians, a nomadic horse-riding people of the steppe. Male warriors were normally buried with weapons, while most of the women were buried with items associated with domestic activity - cooking items
and grooming items. The fact that a minority of women were buried with weapons
seems to support the existence of Amazons. The fact that ancient Greeks tended
to associated the Amazons with the Scythians may also be significant. I just
wish that Dark Alliance would make their figures to reflect this information.
If you prefer them strictly as fantasy figures, that's fine.

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Don't argue. Will be Amazon - antique and modern (fantasy).

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Don't argue. Will be Amazon - antique and modern (fantasy).

Interesting..... Thanks

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?


Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Oh I am not disputing the existence of real Amazon warriors, I am merely stating that Alliance is strictly LOTR style fantasy! I hope you get your RL Amazons, maybe as part of Red Box's regular line? Would love to see more female warrior Picts & Celts too than just the one figure in ESCI's set!

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Sounds good! Thanks.

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Do they look anything like these?

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Well now those I would call Fantasy I wouldn't necessarily turn them away though

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

There are a some awesome sculpts in DDD's photobucket and quite a few I would buy if they were available.

Dark Dream

I have bought some of the Dark Dream Undead.

I'm not interested in Fantasy but these make fantastic Dark Age/Saxon figures for Saga.


Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

No, those are resin, but thanks! Pretty cool!

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Bad news Britsfan! Red Box showed me a few pix of the Amazons. The Greek ones are considered historical. The fantasy ones are waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy out there! Sorry!

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

And you don't share the pictures with us?

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Alas, they sent them to me in an email & I have no place to post them to share. Email me & I will share with you gladly!

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

email sent.

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Courtesy of Bert.


Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

Ooookay, these look awesome. Now the only thing I need is a reason to buy them.

Re: Red Box Alliance Amazons?

In the Roman arena it was common to represent a historical or mythical battle, but these were often done with little knowledge of or interest in the proper costumes. Think about the historical films of the last few decades which are often inaccurate in terms of the uniforms or even the facts. There was at least one occasion on which "Amazons" fought in the arena. Maybe they looked something like the new Red Box figures? That's enough of an excuse for me to buy them, anyway! I have enough gladiators to oppose them, or possibly use Alexander's phalangists.