Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
Happy and peaceful new year to all 1/72 fans from all over the world !
Is there no way to reach Zvezda designers ?
Let me explain : After their recent very good French and Russian Napoleonic line infantry sets, their Russian dragoons pictures appeared on the web. Their look good too ! That is not the point. The point is could not they do as Hat with their MAC sets. According the good quality we need even more poses ! But to whom ask the question ? On their website they do not answer to customers messages ! May be cause I cannot write Russian...
I have had some responses from the company via their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Zvezda.ModelKits?fref=ts
but I have also been ignored as well. Still it might be worth a try.
As you are probably aware the head of the company died last year and the direction they want to go in is yet to be decided. The 'small box' sets seem to be their preferred way forward, which to me is a ****ed shame.
Thank You Steve for your message.
I have already written them on their Facebook site.
They accept comments on their new releases, but do not provide information on their future ones...
Thank you too regardind the information about the head of the company. I hope we will not have bad suprise. To finish with I agree with you about their small boxes. At first French line infantry was supposed to be a big box set... At last we have the small (expensive, few poses, but good) boxes.
Anyway your lines were useful.
I suppose we should be grateful that Zvezda have recognised that people will use there soft plastic figures to supplement the hard plastic figures in the game - it means that they won't discontinue them.
I am actually quite looking forwards to the hard plastic artillery set from the pictures it looks very nice and has quite a bit of potential for customisation (rather than conversion).
I'm 99% sure I've seen a forum somewhere that has the topic "Ask Zvezda Anything" or something that means that. It appeared as though all the questions people asked were answered.
When I post a message to a non-English speaking group, I use Bing or other on line translation program to send my message in both languages. I send both an English version and a Russian or French or whatever version. It makes a reply more likely and it documents what I intended to say, even of the on line translation is not exact.
Thank You PDA and Mike for your advises.
I don't know, years ago I wrote a message to ZVEZDA head-office ? And I got a return message from a kind female-assistant who told me our advises would be welcome. But it was at least 4 years ago, and I was told there has been Change within ZVEZDA since.
One of the most drastic being the loss of their Boss last year.
I will try again.