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I'm wondering if Orion will ever produce the Turkish Cavalry set they listed
several years ago? With the advent of Turkish Artillery from Red Box coming
out, I think it would be a wonderful idea if Orion at last produced this set.
Is HARON out there? What do you think HARON, a yes or a no on this set?
A big thumbs up for me!
Also, I've finally purchased my RED BOX Renaissance figures recently. Overall, I'm impressed, although $15.00 a box for 20 pike is pretty pricey! and... a better
job on the pikes would have made the sets even better. I'm really looking forward
to the French Gendarmes and Stradiots.
Concerning the prices of my sets. I didn't change the price for them more than 10 years. Why only 20 figures? I was afraid that won't be located in a box any more. There is a lot of sprues.
Pardon me, Tom S., I didn't notice your previous question in regards to the Turk Cavalry, I only follow this blog and, at that only fairly recently. As for Haron's reply, and, I'm in no way trying to pick a fight here, but, I think it's time for a reality check.
Haron, "Why only 20 figures? I was afraid that won't be located in a box any more." I'm not sure what you mean, here.
Do you mean you couldn't fit more figures inside the box? If that's what you mean, I had no trouble fitting two boxes worth of figures into one box, and probably could have fit more than two. Try it yourself, everyone—no problem.
You say you haven't changed your prices in ten years, that may be so, but it's not my business to know that. What I do know is that you've reduced how many figures you have in a box. For me, that means I pay more, for much less (to be fair, you're not the only manufacturer that has done this, either).
20 figures at $15 is .75 a piece, makes these figures amongst the most expensive on the US market (of current releases). That's a fact. When you add the postage I had to pay to get them here, plus all the work I will put into them, and, well, perhaps it's time to start thinking of a new hobby? There are plenty of other ways of spending my hard earned cash.
Even so, in spite of these observations, I will endeavor to continue to support these great figures, but, really, in the future, how about giving your dedicated customers a bit more of a bargain?
20 figures at $15 is .75 a piece, makes these figures amongst the most expensive on the US market (of current releases). That's a fact. When you add the postage I had to pay to get them here, plus all the work I will put into them, and, well, perhaps it's time to start thinking of a new hobby? There are plenty of other ways of spending my hard earned cash...
I don't want to get in the middle of this fight, but I think I see what the problem is.
Kevin, it seems you believe HARON is responsible for the price you pay in the shop you choose.
I buy my stuff from any shop anywhere in the world, depending on who has what I want and, out of those, who has the best overall price (including postage). Over time, I have noticed that generally speaking, shops in the USA have higher prices and higher postage costs than most other countries' shops (Germany is an exception, with very high postage costs).
I just looked at Red Box's stuff on Tracks and Troops, and they are selling for €8.49, which is just under $10 US, and there would be a discount (something like 20%) for you on that price because you are not in the EU.
Harfields have them for £4.95, which is $7.50 US.
So I humbly suggest that it's the American retailer from whom you purchase who is gouging you, not HARON, who has no control over how much a retailer sells his figures for.
"I don't want to get in the middle of this fight, but..."
You just did, and, it's not a fight. I'm merely sounding off.
"Kevin, it seems you believe HARON is responsible for the price you pay in the shop you choose."
He is. He reduced the amount of figures per box, his vendors didn't. 20 figures
per box is an outrage.
As for the places and prices you've quoted, when you add postage from Europe (or just about any other place outside the USA), you've destroyed any advantage one may have gained.
I try to support vendors here in the USA. And, indeed, prices here are often higher, I am told because of shipping costs (just like if I had purchased them myself from abroad).
I'm not complaining about the vendors here in the states, I am complaining about how few figures are put into a box—20 figures is very low, in fact, I can't think of one single set from a major manufacturer (such as Zvezda, Strelets, etc.) that has so few figures in a box.
My gripe is simple, the buyer keeps paying more for less. Perhaps there are those who don't care how much they pay. I do and choose to let the manufacturer know about it.
As for the places and prices you've quoted, when you add postage from Europe (or just about any other place outside the USA), you've destroyed any advantage one may have gained.
That's not true at all. You say you paid $15 US plus postage for one box. If you had bought that from Harfields they would not have charged you more than $8 US. It typically is around 20% of the price of the order for postage.
Kevin Drover
I try to support vendors here in the USA. And, indeed, prices here are often higher, I am told because of shipping costs (just like if I had purchased them myself from abroad).
Well it isn't the shipping costs; whoever told you that is lying. Maybe they are talking about "shipping and handling" where the "handling" is some extortionate price. It is the price you pay if you want to "Buy American". Those American vendors you want to support are taking advantage of you.
kevin check ebay u.s..theres a bunch of red box listings for 7.99,with good shipping and combined shipping prices.comes from here in the states so no over seas shipping and import costs as well.careful tho,you might be tempted to empty out your wallet.
even so 20 figures in a set still seems kind of low.
Tom S.,
Yes, I've seen the ebay listings, and Amazon. I no longer have PayPal (as I believe I implied before). I got fed up with ebay due to poor service and poor
product from dealers who don't seem to give a **** about anything else other than lining their own pockets. So I cancelled.
As to ordering from Europe, I've not once had a fair shake when it comes to postage—ever! So, I'm dubious about any claims to the contrary. In fact, the last few times I purchased miniatures (metal mini's) from the UK the boxes were cut open by customs and the contents were either damaged or missing!
And, for those of you who think my retailer is gouging me, well, I don't believe it. As I already know postage is nearly prohibitive for myself, why wouldn't it be the same for him?
FYI, I'm not buying "American," I'm buying Ukrainian! (and glad to do so, I just don't want to go broke doing it).