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Outstanding Contribution

An outstanding contribution of Polish People's Army figures painted by Marcin Mizielinski.

I have held off buying this set due to other priorities, but I may have to circle back and build a small force now :-)


Re: Outstanding Contribution

Cracking paint job,well done

Re: Outstanding Contribution

Great paint job. And excellent photography as well.

Re: Outstanding Contribution

I only do late war but seeing these Poles tempts me I can say.

The painting transforms the figures.

Re: Outstanding Contribution

Hello Mr Paint Dog,

Please forgive me if I have misunderstood your post, but the Polish Peoples Army figures ARE late war....formed in 1943 by the Soviets, armed and equipped by them, and then fighting alongside (i.e. under) the Soviets to "liberate" Poland and on into Germany.

I suspect in combat most troops wore the steel helmet, but then there would be little to distinguish them from Soviet troops in 1/72 scale...hence the majority wearing the Polish cap in this set.


Re: Outstanding Contribution

Thanks, Andrew.

That makes them more appealing as I have quite sizeable Soviet & Eastern Front German armies already.