Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
The detail is particularly fine on the Portuguese that I have purchased, but looks really good when painted. I don't mind what colour figures come in, but for the benefit of my none painting colleagues I would prefer British in red, French in blue, Portuguese in brown or dark blue and the Spanish in white.
Regarding the long wait for the figures I think that HATs Peninsular War dragoons must be pretty close to six years plus! I think it was about 2008ish when first shown. Perhaps some Peninsular War sets just fall into a black hole for a few years. We all thought Emhar had gone bust.
You are probably aware that Emhar's founder and owner died a couple of months ago. In the 1970s He had been one of the guys responsible for the Matchbox figures range (the sculptor who was Bill Farmer). So that was a great loss and it is no small miracle his successors keep the business going.
You are probably aware that Emhar's founder and owner died a couple of months ago. In the 1970s He had been one of the guys responsible for the Matchbox figures range (the sculptor who was Bill Farmer). So that was a great loss and it is no small miracle his successors keep the business going.
Pa, I know it's a private conversation between you and Pete, but the last thing our Hobby can afford is the loss of an "Enthusiast", an "Investor", a "Soulmate", and what I miss most of all from the "Childhood Christmas Carpet Battle Days" - a "Toy Soldier Play-Mate!."
Are IMEX'S Main-Man and Bill Farmer OK? These Gentlemen are so important to our hobby and haven given us the basis of what to debate for what we each want and can grow with!
Thank you for your kindest reply - GC (Dave Hennen)
Pa, I know it's a private conversation between you and Pete, but the last thing our Hobby can afford is the loss of an "Enthusiast", an "Investor", a "Soulmate", and what I miss most of all from the "Childhood Christmas Carpet Battle Days" - a "Toy Soldier Play-Mate!."[quote=GarrisonClay]
Are IMEX'S Main-Man and Bill Farmer OK? These Gentlemen are so important to our hobby and haven given us the basis of what to debate for what we each want and can grow with!
GC, this is no private conversation but a discussion board, we're amongst friends (with the occasional sniper inbetween) so no worries.
I was referring to these sad news:
I have no news about Bill Farmer the figure sculptor. His personal website http://www.figuresculptor.plus.com/
used to be but is no longer lnked to in ETS's link list:
Does anybody know whether he is still active? Regards, Pa
Thank you for the link, Pa about Phillip Brook. It is truely sad news, especially at just 67. I've enjoyed buying many of his Emhar WWI sets, nice little updates to some of the early Airfix Artillery sets. I'm glad to see his heirs have kept up the momentum.
I haven't been able to find Bill Farmer's Home Page for some time now. Over the decades, he's made some outstanding sets. My personal favorite is the AWI British set sold under Accurate. I'm a big fan of those early sets made in the U.K. with the original soft plastic in great colors. Hard to find now but easy for my style of Conversions.
As for me, I'm loving all the new sets coming out, of which many are in nice colors and soft plastic. And I'll keep my fingers crossed for more future sets. OK, enjoy the rest of your weekend. Cheers!
Well I wont be buying them but not because of the colour but rather because I dont collect Napoleonics.... But if I did, it Would be the Peninsular Campaign and the Army of Sir John Moore....
I've just sent off an order for the tadpole along with yet another whippet and male MkIV. Yes the latter does errors but Emhar's output has been eclectic with a variety of models that are not common else where. For that the late manufacture needs our grateful thanks. Like JB models there were small manufactures who produced models that they wanted to see. Some could argue that the tadpole was never in action but it was trialled unlike all those endless '1946' range of models of Nazi tanks that never got off the drawing board!
Certainly the current interest in WW1 was give a hefty shove by Emhar (and Airfix figures - the less said about their tank the better!).
As for the Napoleonic sets. I am not into that era but it is great to see a company ready to recognise the role played by the Portuguese and Spanish forces.
On can only hope that Emhar will continue to produce new and unique products. Lets hope the next (hopefully a bit quicker) will be the down sizing of their 1/35 MkV composite (with corrections) - so strange that, probably, the best heavy tank that was built in WW1 in is still ignored by the leading manufactures. A MkV with a crib is an iconic image of the Great war!
i dont like if plasti is in multible color- i wish that they all would have been made in white color so i can invent different camo to the figures!
i would BUY thouse kniths, british and spanish, french and portugal troops have some silly poses wich i dont like