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Re: pictures of masters for the french army sledge train 1
Paul K.
Dear Strelets Team,
I am in shock and awe, what an amazing set of miniatures!
I was literally in tears, what a sad pathetic group of
figures.This set captures, better than any set I've seen
before, the sorrow, the desperation, the cold, the horror,
of the retreat from Moscow! In the space of a year Strelets
has totally redefined itself...you are IMO the best miniatures
company in the whole world! Keep up the great work.
Paul K.
Wow, well said Paul! I'm excited too. I love the fact that Strelets*R's masterpieces convey's the totality of a battle. Strelets*R covers all of a battle, pre-planning over the old farm family table, action fighting poses, and then the survivors returning to the hospital tents. Again, well said!
Re: pictures of masters for the french army sledge train 1
Fantastic sculpts, I would have liked to have seen all the walking figures including the wounded with muskets and bayonet,being unarmed on the retreat from Moscow was inviting the Cossack`s and irregulars to come and kill you.No mercy was shown to the French.Now while we are on the subject...Ney and his rearguard would make a good set or two,with one or two famous painting about on witch to base your sculpts....just saying .
equine anatomy
The front left leg looks incorrect . Both sets of metacarpus bones should be the same length and proportions as should be 1/2/3 phalanx bones. They articulate in particular ways. The middle of the front leg is the carpus not the knee. The rest of the horse looks OK to me. In a diorama it would probably be sunk in snow so it would probably look fine.
Strelets have produced some good horses especially those in the set Into the Valley of Death. For some inexplicable reason the winning streak did not continue and each new set seems to be a fresh attempt from scratch.
The human figures seem to have captured the spirit of the campaign and I can't think of anything Napoleonic in plastic that has this stark realism.
looks a bit heavy for the job but they did have lots of variations. Marbot's sledges were slightly different two man ones and according to accounts were pulled by the cavalry horses.
Re: pictures of masters for the french army sledge train 1
What a great looking set! Wonderful sculpting and inspired poses. My
only question is the second figure in the top row with one bare food. I would
think he'd have torn off rags to wrap around it at least. A man with a bare
foot wouldn't last long in the winter! The pose with the drummer by being
carried is heart-breaking.
Re: pictures of masters for the french army sledge train 1
For the bicentennial in 2012, Scott Armstrong put together this marvellous blog (https://napoleon1812.wordpress.com), lifting quotes from eyewitness accounts that have been re-published in various secondary sources.
An example here:
provides some hope in all the horror...