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Full blown economic sanctions against Eastern Ukraine and Russia would likely mean that the Golden Age of our hobby would come to a shrieking end.
With Hat possibly disappearing in the near future, as has been rumored on Benno's forum, imagine Strelets, Zvezda, Redbox, Orion, Mars, Miniart, Valdemars and DDS being unavailable to customers in the Western hemisthere. That would amount to a global catastrophe for all 1/72 enthusiasts, artists, investors, manufacturers, merchants and collectors alike.
Therefore I hope for Strelets, and all of us, that our precious figurines won't be taken away from us. May the politicians have mercy on us.
Full blown economic sanctions against Eastern Ukraine and Russia would likely mean that the Golden Age of our hobby would come to a shrieking end.
With Hat possibly disappearing in the near future, as has been rumored on Benno's forum, imagine Strelets, Zvezda, Redbox, Orion, Mars, Miniart, Valdemars and DDS being unavailable to customers in the Western hemisthere. That would amount to a global catastrophe for all 1/72 enthusiasts, artists, investors, manufacturers, merchants and collectors alike.
Therefore I hope for Strelets, and all of us, that our precious figurines won't be taken away from us. May the politicians have mercy on us.
I do not share your pessimism about the future of plastic figures. Yes there appears to be fewer new sets currently been produced and certain companies are dramatically cutting the number of figures per set. Certainly some manufacturers know that that anything about the Third Reich and the Nazi party will sell if you dramatically jack the price up and reduce the contents.
If economic sanctions do come in force (and that's a big IF getting the whole EU to agree to a set of sanctions rather than looking after their own self interests!) I feel they will target much bigger fish than the likes of the plastic hobby industry.
Again on the issue of HaT lets be positive - it has regularly going out of business according to different scare mongers and some wishful thinkers. Lets face it there is a clique of Benno forum members that love to take a poke at HaT and Strelet products and regularly slag them off but think nothing of over sized products from their favourite companies. One only has to see the current 'worst set' topic to see that.
The sirens have been predicting the demise of this hobby for the last 25 years but it still carries on. As far as products from Strelet the figures are getting better all the time and I look forward this year to more of the new, exciting and original sets - and than cannot say this about Caesar and Pegasus sets!
.... and there will be more pleasant surprises from Stretlet I doubt not over the next 12 months
(...)that the Golden Age of our hobby would come to a shrieking end (...) Hat possibly disappearing in the near future, as has been rumored on Benno's forum, imagine Strelets, Zvezda, Redbox, Orion, Mars, Miniart, Valdemars and DDS being unavailable to customers (...) a global catastrophe for all 1/72 enthusiasts (...)
Enjoy the apocalypse, but I'd prefer facts instead of rumours. There is no sign at all of HaT going out of business.