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The colour pic of the Schnieder is interesting as the pattern looks like the artist Solomon J Solomon's type of pattern on British Mk Is. Solomon studied with Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scévola who is famous for devising camouflage patterns for the French Army-Section de Camouflage.
"In order to deform totally the aspect of an object, I had to employ the means that Cubists use to represent it"
The pattern could easily be one of Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scévola's.
Surprisingly the colours look about right. The tarpaulins also had patterns on them.
The original concept was to muster tanks en masse and in secret. The experience of heavy artillery camouflage was therefore valuable especially to prevent being spotted by aircraft and balloons. They were very successful.
I am not convinced by the pattern on the one at Saumur.
I notice the French and LS site have plans-big hint.
Very Interresting sites thank you.
We can notice that website people are looking for "old regimental internal news papers" with the "Artillerie spéciale" badge on their cover.
The funny thing is in nowadays French Armor only one regiment is allowed to bear on the "beret" this "Artillerie spéciale" badge, on the black beret. It is the 501 RCC : The 501è Régiment de Chars Combat. The rest of the French Armor wear the knight helm on the dark blue "beret". Excepted the Legion who wears the grenade but a white silver one on their green "beret". Because the Armor colour is white.