Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
* Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Following is a “Wish List Compilation” of suggested future sets by Strelets-R’s Forum Members simply for fun. Everyone is invited to make their request and I’ll add it.
So far, thanks esp. to: RCD, Arlin, Bert, Colin D., Britsfan, Graham Korn, Pa, Cappy, bluecher, SteveO, Pete, Mako, Martin_HY, Ian Bruce, Andrew Hughes, Misteredd, and tom s, B-, Paul K., Jerzy, Umpapa and AlexK, Foxtrot,Papa,Romeo, john the red, Tom Williamson, Pedro, CC, Tolly, GC.
1. Figures In Strelets Classic Soft Plastic and Colours
2. Strelet’s Arms (Artillery & Armoured Vehicle Kits)
Please keep suggesting new additions as they occur to you.
• Emperors court during campaign as well as (civil) in Rome
• Roman triumphal procession
• Roman politicians
• Ancient personalities
Ancients – Rome’s Enemies Late Republic
• Pontic army (Mithridates)
• Armenian
• Parthian
• Iberians
• Italicans
• Etruscans
• Celtiberians
• Celts (Infantry & Cavalry)
• Lusitanians
• Liguarians
• Illyrians
• Aquitanians
• Bad Indians
• Thracians
• Carthaginians
And …
• Indians
• Bactrians
• Eastern Armies
• Persians
• Spartacus Army
• VII AD BYzantines
Ancients - Additions to Punic War Range
• Successor states like Macedonia, Seleucids, Ptolemaic Army (including different types of Cavalry and War-Elephants), Hellenistic City Armies (e.g. Syracuse)
Early / Middle Period Samurai (10th-14th century)
• All Samurai Warrior Sets
Middle Ages (or Medieval Period (5th - 15th Century)), Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment / Age of Discovery / Fighting on the Spanish Main / Columbus, Conquest of the New World / Jamestown (1492 – 1607)
• Sprue 1 x1 would have had 12 personalities: Elizabeth, Drake, Raleigh, Cortez, Malinche, Montezuma, De Leon, De Soto, Pizarro, Pocahontas, Chief Powhattan and John Smith
• Sprue 2 x2 or 3 would have: Various Florida Indians for the De Soto Expedition, Spaniards and Buccaneers for the Spanish Main and Powahattan Indians and settlers for Jamestown
• Sprue 3 x1 could have Spaniards and Elizabethans that can sword duel with each other on land or ships and also some poses to fire cannons on forts or ships, if not covered above, or …
• Spain's Personalities-Columbus, Cortes, De Soto, De Leon, Pizarro
• English Personalities-Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, John Smith (of Jamestown fame)
• America's Personalities-Montezuma, Malinche, Pocahontas, Chief Powhattan
• The Peeps: Taino natives (warriors and women for all the Caribbean Islands the Spanish set foot on), Southeastern US Natives (warriors, women, etc) to fight Conquistadores (they did succeed after all, Timicua, Apalachee, etc. tribes, they look very similar), English Seadogs/Buccaneers and Spaniards for the Spanish Main, Powhattan Indians (again warriors and women)Jamestown settlers
11th - 14th Century Samurai (Genpei War, Yuan Dynasty Invasions etc.)
• 13th Century Sung Dynasty Chinese Infantry and Artillery
• 13th Century Yuan Dynasty as above
15th, 16th and 17th Century Pikemen w/ring-hands and with the arms lined up
• Landsknecht Pike
• Swiss Pike
• English Demilances and ******** (Bravenet software deletion; not moderator)
• Landskechts, Jinettes, Reiters, Demilances, Border Horse. Arquebusier, Gendarmes, Sword and Buckler, Usars, Grenz and all the Panoply of the Balkans, Muscovy and the Turkish empire
English Civil War (1642 - 1651)
• (Please suggest sets)
Jacobite (Wars) Rebellion (1688 – 1746)
• Jacobite Artillery
• Jacobite Cavalry
• Jacobite Infantry (Done)
• British Artillery
• British Cavalry
• British Infantry
Seven Years War (1754, 1756 - 1763)
• SYW Russian infantry
French & Indian War (1754 – 1763) = America’s version of “Seven Years War”
• (Please make requests)
Napoleonic Wars (1803 – 1815)
• Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr Infantry
• Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr Cavalry
• Napoleonic Prussian Uhlans
• Napoleonic Prussian Limber
• Napoleonic Austrian Infantry before 1797
• Napoleonic Later Hungarian Grenadiers
• Napoleonic Later Austrian Mounted Artillery
• Napoleonic Later Saxony Infantry
• Napoleonic Portuguese Cazadores in light brown
• Napoleonic civilians
• Napoleonic Austrian Infantry before 1797
• Napoleonic Later Hungarian Grenadiers - the Italeri soldiers are out of scale!
• Napoleonic Later Austrian Mounted Artillery
• Napoleonic Later Saxony Infantry
War of 1812
• American Militia in Winter Dress 1812 (In Preparation)
• Kentucky Mounted Militia in Tall Hats and Buckskins
• American Militia in Summer Dress 1812
• Regular US Infantry
• Canadian Militia / Voltigeurs
• US & British Dragoons / Light cavalry
• Lafayette's Pirates for New Orleans
• Naval and Royal Marine Shore / Landing Parties
• Muletrains and Rafts for Supplies
• Creek Warriors
• Choctaws
• Chickasaws
• Shawnees
• Personalities: Tecumseh (and his Confederation of British Allied Shawnee Indian Tribes), Sir Isaac Brock, Wilkinson, General Andrew Jackson, Sir Edward Packenham, Laura Secord, Lafayette
First Anglo-Afghan War (1839 – 1842)
• East India Company
• Camp Followers
• Afghanistan Fighters
Crimean War (1853 – 1856)
• Russian Crimean rifles
Indian Mutiny (Rebellion) of 1857
• (Please recommend sets)
Native American Indians (Plains & Woodland) (1622 - 1890)
• Sioux
• Cheyenne
• Mohawks
• Seminoles
• Creeks
• Apaches
• Chippewa Indians
• Mohicans
• et als
Colonial Settlers / Pioneers & Wild West
• American Westward Wagon Train husbands, wives and children reloading rifles/muskets to fend off an aggresive Indian attack in the Wagan Circle
• Sets of Pioneers, Townsfolk, Prospectors, Sherriff & Outlaws , Gamblers, Buffalo Hunters and Cowboys, Long Duster Coats, Slouch Hats etc.
American Civil War (1861 – 1865)
• ACW (Johnny Reb) Confederate Foot Officer Set (Final of 4 Sets)
• Dismounted Union and Confederate Cavalry for Skirmish Lines w/horse holders for Gettysburg
• ACW (Billy Yank & Johnny Reb) Infantry Troops in Battle
• ACW (Billy Yank & Johnny Reb) Cavalry Troops in Battle
• ACW (Billy Yank & Johnny Reb) Artillery Troops in Battle
Mexican Wars
• The Alamo (1836)
• Mexican-American War (1846 – 1848)
• Camerone 1863
• FFL at Camerone 1863
• (Generic) Mexicans in Sombreros
• Pancho Villa and Federales
French Colonial (Early 1830’s, 1840’s … for Algeria) and Her Enemies (Pre-Beau Geste)
• Zouaves
• Tirailleurs
• Early Legion Etrangere
• L’Armee d’Afrique
French Colonial (late 19th,early 20th century for Dahomey and Morroco)
• All French Colonial Armies
• Classic Beau Geste French Foreign Legion
• FFL mule train
• FFL Mule Teams (2 men per mule) Khaki Uniforms or Whites
• Riff War 1920s (FFL + Riff tribesmen + Spanish)
• FFL for Dien Bien Phu + Viet Minh
• Spahis
• Native Enemies of the French
Franco-Prussian War 1870 - 1871
• Bavarian infantry
• Prussian cavalry
• Bavarian or Prussian artillery
Boxer Rebellion (1898 – 1900)
• Chinese Imperial regular infantry (Boxer war).
• Chinese Imperial artillery, including Gingal (Boxer war).
• German Sea Batallion
• Schutztruppe
• British Navy in Straw Hats
• Japanese Army in Winter Blue and Summer White
Italian campaign (Late 19th century) in Ethiopia
• Italian Troops
• Ethiopian Troops
Spanish-American War (1898)
• Rough Riders (Dismounted in Blue Color)
• Rough Rider Officers (w/Mounted in Tan Color)
• American Artillery (w/Gatlings and Cannons)
• Spanish Troops in Cuba (in Light Blue w/stripes)
• Spanish Colonial Troops in Pith Helmet
Russio-Japanese War (1904 – 1905)
• Russian Army
• Russian Navy
• Russian Artillery
• Japanese Army
• Japanese Navy
• Japanese Artillery
Lawrence of Arabia (During WWI 1914 – 1918)
• (Complete Range)
WWI (1914 – 1918)
• WWI Leaders: Marshall Foch on horseback (great statue in London of him!)
• Kaiser Bill wearing one of his 'eagle' helmets
• German 1914 Artillery wearing Pickelhaubs with the Spike replaced with a “Kugel” (Ball) to represent a Cannon ball for Artillery to man field guns, one or two of them sitting
• French Colonial troops for WW1 (and early WW2)
• Italians to go against the Austrians done in green and some Strelets style Germans in spike helmets
Nationalist Northern Expedition of (1925 – 1927)
• US Navy Landing Party (The Sand Pebbles 1926) in Caps and Gaitors
• US Soldiers in M1917 Helmets, Springfield Rifles, Thompson MG w/drum magazine, manning Vickers Heavy MG’s
• Navy guys manning the Gun Boats/Ships
• Chinese Troops
• Chinese Military Academy Cadets
Russian Civil War (1917 – 1922)
• Naval Infantry
• Partisans
• Nationalists (Ukrainian, Polish, etc.)
• Bolshevik Artillery
• Makhnovist Partisans
• Ukrainian nationalists
Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939)
• Regular Republicans and Nationalists
• Spanish Civil Guard
• Winter Infantry
• Spanish Foreign Legion
• Partisans and Militias for each side
• Beret-Wearing Nationalist Carlist Requetes
• Beret-Wearing Republican Basque Gudaris
• Cavalry (in Rolled Shirt-Sleeves – Generic both sides)
• Infantry in M26 Spanish Helmet (Generic both sides)
WWII (1939 – 1945)
• Early WWII Marines (a must!)
• WW2 late war French Army, with a mix of French, Moroccan and Algerian troops with a mix of French, U.S., and Native North African dress and gear
• Morrocan Gouimers with regards to Operation Dragoon and the Liberation of Southern France
• Stalingrad Russians
• More Russians
• US Army/Marines/Sailors (Pearl Harbor, Midway Island, Guam, Wake Island, Philippines)
• German Afrika Korps in Tan
• British 8th Army
• T.V. “Rat Patrol” Set with Charactors (and Jeeps)
• Early British Commandos in Cold Weather Gear (Vaagso Raid)
• Japanese Jungle Fighters
Korean War (1950 – 1953)
• US Marines in Winter Uniforms
• Chinese in Winter Uniforms
• French Paras and Viet Minh (Indochina / Dien Bien Phu)
Cold War
• in Nuclear/Biological/Chemical outfits
Post Cold War & WW3
• Nato and Warsaw pact in NBC outfits
• Israelis, Syrians, Egyptians for 1973
• Soviet Motor Rifle + Mujahideen for Afghanistan 1980s
• Soviet in CBRN clothing + NATO CBRN soldiers (British, West German)
2. “STRELET’S ARMS” (Artillery & Armoured Vehicle Kits)
• WWI French 155mm 1917 Schneider also w/WWII rubber tyres
• British 60 pdr
• Separate Series of Artillery Crews, esp. for all nations using same guns to go with STRELETS ARMS (Yes, yes, yes!)
• Tank Crews and Field Crews for the Tanks that are in the pipeline (Yes, yes, yes!)
• 9.2" Howitzer (In Preparation)
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
For me, there are many themes to do, I get it, but until the Discovery of the New World/Jamestown era, the War of 1812 (in the US), and the Spanish American War, or WWII US from Pearl Harbor to Philippine (1941 to 1942) get made, I cannot move on. For me, they are the gaps left unfilled in my particular collection. Until that happens, I do not want to see the umpteenth incarnation of already done Ancient Romans, Napoleonic War (especially French), or WWII Germans. Just MO. It is what it is. The clock is ticking on me. I am old, I have waited over thirty years for this stuff. My shelf life is short. Nuff said.
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Arlin, I owe you "A Thousand Apologies" for not doing a better job of consolidating your very popular recommendations. I'm right there with you. And many others too! Please be patient while I go thru your Excellent Recommendations. Please have a great weekend! GC
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
No need to apologize. I guess my comments sounded more adversarial than they were intended ;)
My point is, there are sure a lot of want lists out there, mine included, I fear I will never live to see what I want to see. I hope the next few years see the list chipped away at instead of valuable time and resources used to make more and more of the same.
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
No need to apologize. I guess my comments sounded more adversarial than they were intended ;)
My point is, there are sure a lot of want lists out there, mine included, I fear I will never live to see what I want to see. I hope the next few years see the list chipped away at instead of valuable time and resources used to make more and more of the same.
I hope that sounded more nice. :)
Your list is fine.
i never thought id see fantasy sets like lotr in 1/72 ever come,so one can only hope most wish lists are indeed chipped away at.
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
WOW! That's an ambitious list! I especially liked the suggestions for the
Jacobite Wars. Now that there are infantry for both sides, artillery and cavalry are really a must. also really liked the Native American and Age
of Discovery Ideas.
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
DONE Brian, I've already updated the SanDisk Memory Stick. Your new wishes will be at the top of the next updated list - NAPOLEONIC WARS section.
I'm not able to update directly to the Forum, so I will post the next newest updated list either (1) when this one drops off the current Forum page, or (2) on the 1st of each new month, (May 1st would be next).
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Hello GC could you add Franco Prussian War French Cavalry and Prussian infantry and WW1 Belgians, Austrian cavalry , ,Italian Arditi , Austrian heavy weapons , Italian heavy weapons and for Strelets Arms British Mk5 tank and Minerva Armoured Car Many thanks
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Dear Alex M, That "Minerva Armoured Car" is really neat! Here is a link to a diorama of a Belgium Patrol under attack by German Uhlans. S*R has made the Uhlans already which I have and are a favorite set of mine. Thank you!
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Hi Andrew, Thank you for the many, fine suggestions. I added a "PRE-HISTORIC & FANTASY" Section at the top of the list. You'll see your requests beginning there. I tried to clean up the more modern conflicts / wars and you'll see your later requests there. Cheers!
Awesome list Mr. Clay, thank you for being so inclusive. I would love to see those 20th century French sets become a reality, as well as the Foreign Legion. This hobby doesn't have too much of either subject.
Dear CPN and Colin D, I'm a big fan of the AWI and the FFL also. Under AWI, I took the liberty of listing "Mohawk Warriors", something nobody has really made in proper scale (scale creep), or already have planned and in their pipelines. Re FFL, well, what a history! I hope you guys can find them listed in the proper Eras you want. Feel free to let me know if I need to clean up any of your requests. Cheers!
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Boxer Rebellion (1898 – 1900)
• Chinese Imperial regular infantry (Boxer war).
• Chinese Imperial artillery, including Gingal (Boxer war).
• German Sea Batallion
• Schutztruppe
• British Navy in Straw Hats
• Japanese Army in Winter Blue and Summer White
Thanks for compiling this extensive list.
When you do the next update, can I please ask you to tidy up a mistake I made. The chinese gun is actuall spelled Jingal (not Gingal) in English.
If anyone is interested, that is a massive rifle, even much bigger than the enormous WW1 German AT rifle, as can be seen here:
That would sure make for an unique sight on the table! Thank you, Pa
Re: * Wish List Compilation for April 2014 * (For Fun and Thinking Out Loud Only)
Dear Pa,
Now that's a gun! I'd love a pair of Imperial Chinese shooting the gun like in the picture. I'll cross my fingers. I've updated the list. I do hesitate to put links in the list, but hopefully I've entered enough info for anyone to look up this interesting weapon. Thank you!