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Oh wow! These masters are fantastic. This is another set bound to become a long sought after set for years to come. These will certainly fill one of the hobbies largest voids. In addition to the War of 1812, they will be manning the walls of my Alamo, and Scouting some AWI Wagon Trains in the wilderness. Well done S*R Team - Thank you!
If I may say, I love the top-hats in this set. Since there should be an "in Summer Dress" future set, I hope it will have a few more pioneer/mountain-men in racoon-skin caps and deer-skins to go with the 1 in this set. These guys look so realistic.
I can see so many uses for this set! They could fight at the Wabash and Fallen Timbers in the 1790s, at Thames in the War of 1812, They could fight Creek Indians with General Jackson and some at New Orleans 1815, and some will fight at the Alamo!
I know that there were a lot of groans out there from those that feel US history is a big waste of time, but I was absolutely thrilled when I stopped by & saw this set listed! I was positively giddy as I viewed the poses! My wife thought I was looking at porn from all the ooooohs & ahhhhs I was making! Wonderful job Strelets! I could NOT be happier! So looking forward to the rest of the line! (I hope!)
I have to agree stunning figures, my one critical observation would be the muskets/rifles are a bit chunky and bulky but that aside quite marvelous figures and poses.
Oh I agree! All these figs will find their way to my Alamo Texas Defenders! (excerpt the NCO) I do like that they included a "Regular" NCO! The poses are great! I agree, I do hope they make more buckskin/coon skin militia with the summer troops!
Very good figures full of possibilities not just for 1812 North America, The AWI, The Alamo, Spanish Napoleonic Guerrilla's or any other armed civilians from the Musket era.
I had no intention of buying these figures when I saw them listed, but
the scuplts are irresistable. So many possibilities, so many uses. Well done.
Lets hope summer figures well.
Things have been 'quiet' on the Strelets website lately, but this one was well worth the wait. I can but add to the happy chorus. Lovely looking set. They will grace many a tabletop, along with those great looking Brits in greatcoats.
Never had any interest in Napoleonics but these could just convert me! Highly recommend Pierre Berton's "The Invasion of Canada 1812-1813", cracking read if you haven't read it.
swap some airfix tricorn on these for confederate militia
i'm not dead yet,not back in 1/72. However lets be radical , I'd swap some airfix tricorn on these and use right up to early confederate militia companies. Just popped in to see whats agoing on and rattle the cage.