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I especially like the soldier using his shovel. Though WWI was all about digging and trenches, this is the first pose depicting that kind of action since Airfix made a digging French infantryman, decades ago. Very well done, Strelets! Perhaps someday a trench-digging set will follow (which could combine soldiers from Britain, France and Germany digging and installing barbed wire all together in one box).
Compared to their comrades made by Airfix, Emhar and HaT, the Strelets Tommies are quite big. (Excuse the scan quality – I removed some shadows manually)
Thank you, Bert. Those are good and useful pictures.
The Airfix figures will always look small no matter what you compare them with because they are 1/76 scale. Also the Airfix figures are just bad in terms of accuracy (wrong and missing equipment, poorly sculpted and vague details). But that doesn't matter now that we have all these crew figures from Strelets; that's really a generous sized crew for a gun, compared with the 2 or 4 that we normally see manning the guns. There are enough that you don't have to mix manufacturers, so size and bulkiness don't matter so much.
Very informative pics.
The comparison with the HaT figures is more disturbing than the Airfix as the HaT sets have big crews ( 2 carrying field howitzer ammo though) and spare heads( 16 per set)and are exactly the right size. Actually a head swap with a spare Hat head might benefit the Strelets officer as the shoulders seem to match with the HaT figure. I will try it when I get a set.
I hope Strelets are not going into the 28mm/1-72nd scale hybrid size though larger than life heads have been a peccadillo of the Strelets sculptor for a while.
Good to be alerted to this.
An excellent set with an artillery piece and a large crew. Looking forward to getting my hands on the American set when it appears.
Pity that so many of the main modelshops like Modelzone in UK stick to Airfix, Revell and Italeri and ignore Stretlets current products! If they were more widely available I am sure there would be the interest.
If the range is sucessful I would like to see more WW1 artillery sets especially some German and especially French - M1918 field gun 155mm (yes RPM do make one but very expensive without the crew) would be perfect!
Pity that so many of the main modelshops like Modelzone in UK stick to Airfix, Revell and Italeri and ignore Stretlets current products! If they were more widely available I am sure there would be the interest.
I would assume they don't stock them because they do not provide volume sales. I can't think of any other reason though you could write to them. I can always get them from F&S if I want them and if not in stock they will back order. Strelets supply fairly quickly to retailers if or when stocks run out.