Welcome to the Strelets Forum. Please feel free to discuss any aspect of 1/72 scale plastic figures, not simply Strelets. If you have any questions about our products then we will answer them here.
I just bought about twenty boxes of Crimean war figures. I am really loving this range! I think my favorites so far are the Russian Cossacks and Sailors! Lots of great fun poses! I also love the British Hussars and all the british Cav. I love the style of sculpting and variety it is so refreshing.
The big box sets look great but they are are to find especially the Russian Command and the Last assault on Sebastopol. I hope the command figures from those boxes will be released separately as "command boxes".
British and Russian Artillery would be greatly appreciated. I realize that other companies make Russian guns, but I really like the Strelets Style and would like them to match the rest of the army.
I'd also love to see more of the French Cavalry especially the Hussars and Dragoons!
Warm regards to everyone at Strelets keep up the great work!!!!
I use the Revell Nap British Foot artillery cannons for the Crimea. I read somewhere that the design of the guns hadn't changed much since that era. Whatever, they work for me!
I suppose there's no point in asking for a re-done standard British Line Infantry - perhaps in a mini set, so a reasonable amount of similar poses ... ?