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Since a new year is not too long in coming I would like to start a list of new sets I would like Strelets to come out with.First-American Civil War-Please Rebs--Yanks Inf.-Cav- Art. Next-Enemies for all the new Roman sets which are coming out Celts-Gauls etc. Third-WW1 Italians Fourth-Stalingrad Germans And Russians to go with the new sets. Next-WW2 Marines and Japs. I think this will do for me for starters. Thank You Strelets! Cappy
In 2013 (or sooner) I'd like to see Strelets release:
1. Saint Chamond Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
2. Schneider CA Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
3. Medium Mark B Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
4. Mark V Tank (fits in well with the other tanks planned)
5. Tchanka (Revolution!)
6. Arab Revolt (1916) figures (one of the figures in the Crusader Transport set would make a great revolting Arab, and the billowing robes suit Strelets style)
In 2013 (or sooner) I'd like to see Strelets release:
1. Saint Chamond Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
2. Schneider CA Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
3. Medium Mark B Tank (already planned in the Strelets Arms range)
4. Mark V Tank (fits in well with the other tanks planned)
Spot on but would also like a late WW1 French 155mm with full crew (ideally manning the gun,in shirt sleeves rather than regimental full dress and without an officier waving his hand in the air!. it could also be replicated with US artillery crew.
Well, I think I've already been told it won't happen, but I'll go ahead and throw it out there since these are the only things I want:
Spanish-American War US and Spanish troops
Camerone French Foreign Legion and Mexicans
War of 1812 US Inf and militia and Creek Indians
1941 US Army/Marines and US Navy
Dismounted US Cavalry for ACW/Indian Wars
US Dragoons for Mexican War/early Indian Wars
Any Wild West Cowboys and Indians, etc.
De Soto and 'several other Spanish expeditions' and the Battle for America (okay, I could scrounge up enough Conquistadores from Revell and Caesar, but I need Native American Southeastern tribes, they look unique) this is a great story - Battle of Mabila, Lady of Confitachequi, Chicaza Town, etc.
1) ancients: ok
2) dark ages: franks, byzanthines, goths, avars, hungars...
3) medieval: mongols!
4) jacobite rebellion: ...?
5) american civil war: ...you know what to do
6) wild west: ...a lot
7) ...
I frequently find myself wanting the same stuff as PDA and RCD.
As well as the Tachanka (though I'm finishing off some scratchbuilds/conversions):
1) RCW Partisans (Makhnovists/Zelenyi/Grigoriev etc)
2) RCW Naval Infantry - for fighting both for and against the Bolsheviks (Kronstadt Uprising!)
3) RCW artillery crew in greatcoats with a mix of both Budenovka and papakha fur hat - would go great with all those nice WW1 guns from HaT and others.
Yes, definitely ACW Iron Brigade, with Hardee Hats, and dismounted US Cav (need 'em for the first day of Gettysburg), and a camp scene set (or sets) like the first set Strelets ever made. I need guys sitting around the campfire, cooking or playing the fiddle, or just pondering the next day's battle, or playing cards, or doing chores like cutting firewood or feeding horses, or maybe a surgeon and some wounded men, or farriers, camp women like laundress, cook, nurse, or a group of soldiers assembling for a photographer (and it would be nice to have a photographer and newspaper man too), or sentries, and accessories like stacked rifles, crates, barrels, or...etc., etc., etc.
The uniforms are such that they could be for either side, heck just run them in grey and blue plastic, two sets for the price of one (and that would make me, Dave, and Bert happy).These are things Strelets has done well in previous sets.
For me it has to be something completely new such as:
India, anytime between Clive and the great Mutiny, especially the Indian native forces facing Wellesley, a good start would be the British in Egypt, so loads of native troops needed.
More Ottomans of any period
Poles and Czechs for the Russian Civil War
Armies for the 1st/2nd Balkan wars
and of course fill all the gaps in the existing ranges!
I concur on the RCW stuff - we have the Red infantry and cavalry but sailors, Czech Legion and partisans would be great. What about some stuff for Spanish Civil War or even generic stuff that could be used for VBCW.
Ottoman Line Infantry (Nizam I Cedit)
Ottoman Light Infantry (Albanians)
Ottoman Artillery
Probably the same as my last wish list although perhaps more lightly to appear after the release of the excellent Egyptian Campaign British and French, could these finally be the first Napoleonic Ottomans?
French 155mm gun
Schneider tank
Mark V tank
Elizabethan infantry
Elizabethan horse (demilancers and reivers)
Late 16th century W. European horse (reiters, gens d'armes and millers)
Late 16th century Landsknects and Swiss
More ACW command
However I am not holding my breath on any of these for 2013.
Napoleonic French and British siege artillery would be excellent additions and I am sure they would be extremely popular.
I also agree with Brian (see above). More Turkish for Napoleonic period.
There are so many good idea on this list, favorites would be British nappy sege artillery and Arab revolt circa 1916-18 .I would like to see caesar do a sel of LRDG/SAS 1941/43 North Africa, with a pose or two to man the dragon chevy.For strelets a British 5.5 with crew ww2 ,Boer war artillery British and Boer.
maybe Strelets have a change of heart sometime.i think it is a gaping wound until SR decide to furnish us collectors with some inf cav and art for this range/psst make big sets for us market
Love Strelets stuff!
Hope to see continuation of current ranges, especially:
- Stalingrad (lets have Germans and Russians in hand to hand fighting poses)
- Dismounted US Cav
- Opponents for Jacobites
Would love to see some new ranges too:
- Cold War / WW3 (Nato and Warsaw Pact dressed in NBC protective clothing) I think that this is a real gap in the hobby. Having seen Strelets WWI Gas mask troops, this suggestion could be done well by Strelets and allow for some interesting wargaming. The M-16 is probably hard to model at 1:72 scale, but the FAL rifle as well as the AK-47 is probably easier to model than an MP40 (which Strelets has successfully done).
- Anything FFL (Camarone, Classic Legion in Algeria, Riff War, Dien Bien Phu) with opponents.
- 16th Century Renaissance
- Medieval Hungarians and Turks
- Anything Wild West (Apaches, Plains Indians, Mexicans, etc)