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...if you want to wait another forty in the hope that someone will do it better thats your call, but for me Strelets please let us have them asap and thank you for making them.
Quite agree.
There has been next to nobody making British stuff, so waiting for a "perfect" kit seems, well, pointless. I'll take these and detail them, and be very, very grateful. Maybe Part or Extratech or any of the other companies will bring out a detailing kit.
I hope they are very good sellers to give Strelets the inclination and resources to make the other kits in the Strelets Arms range, and maybe even consider adding a Tank Mark V and a Tchanka to the line up.
I haven't said I am not going to buy them or I am prepared to wait 40 years(?)etc. The clue to this is in my post.
Key factors to me as yet unanswered are (authenticity- answered)
1. price
2. material used in the guns.
Alan- just saying they are plastic misses the point entirely. If the guns are in polyethylene - absolutely no sale but good quality polystyrene - possible sale as far as I am concerned. Others may differ of course. Strelets may be able to answer this question better than you. I presume you know as little about the material to be used as I do or do you get free samples from Strelets?
Perfect kit is your term not mine. There is no such thing all are compromises. I have a huge collection amassed over 50 years, not just plastic figures but diecasts and white metal models as well and most are far from perfect. I have actually noticed that; funnily enough. Capturing the essence of the original is important to me so reasonably correct proportions and fidelity to scale plans where available helps to create that measure of authenticity but my cut off point may be considerably higher than yours but lower than quite a few modellers.
I have hundreds of Strelets figure sets and am well aware they represent good value for money and have not been subject to price hikes. The price asked for these guns is an important factor especially if I am going to convert and super detail them ie discard a lot of the kit but not the figures of course.
The self evident plus factors like having a fairly large crew, being 1/72nd scale, polystyrene plastic easier to work with, etc are not wasted on me - why should they be? The balance could be that, with the additional info of price and the specific material used, these may easily be worth a shot. If you look at the Matador models examples which I believe were mastered quite some time ago, the conclusion may be these Strelets guns look better (ie more authentic) in some respects and not others. They may also be better when checked against Ken Musgrave's plans or against photos of the real guns. I offered no opinion hence "Without the price and material used it is hard to make a comparison with the Strelets ones."
I leave it to people to draw their own conclusions.
HaT's WWI artillery sets in polystyrene have, to my mind, set a benchmark and of course they are not perfect (what is?). Material used, price, authenticity and so on means this is what I am looking for and all the boxes are ticked on my check list. Hence my comments about price and material. The idea of issuing crews in separate sets and with alternative heads are other excellent ideas. Hence my comment. Strange that both of you who regularly contribute to the HaT forum couldn't see that was where I was coming from.
I hope these sell well for Strelets. If they are the right product at the right price they will. Time will be the judge of that.
Very well said, and no complaints from me. Re Hats guns,well they have no bigger fan than I ,but remember the QF4.5 etc were not hats first attempt,they have learnt over time and have developed the pruduct to where they are now, this is strelets first go,lets hope they learn and develope too,we can do our bit by buying the pruduct and giving constructive feedback,a winning line gets backed a loser does not,so I hope they sell loads and do more
Just to say they are very big guns so quite an adventurous start.
I notice that no date has been given for their release so (excuse the bad pun ) we may be jumping the gun. The figure sprues seem to have been around for a long time but no gun sprue yet.
Although Strelets have said nothing , my assumption was this month with the August releases,now that may well just be very wishful thinking on my part.But that was my reading of why the photos were put up now and the paint job may have been rushed, I am itching to get my brush on that howitzer so Strelets if its not soon and you would like one painted up to look the part it would be my pleasure to do so.
Hannants have them priced at £7.99 each in the future release section other items are TBA so that would suggest to me that they will be £7.99 and they have a release date in the not to distant future. fingers crossed.