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The poses of this set looks good, but what weapons are these men holding in their hands - laser guns? The rifles should be redimensioned, they are much, much, much too big!!!
Yes very sad. It looks like a 40mm gun barrel. They could be a very nice set if care had been taken with proportions. The sizes of rifles and sabres could have been compared with Zvezda's. The figures seem to be done in several sculpting styles. The rider with helmet,moustache and sabre pointing down is good and most of the darker ones are too.
For this period with no fight with saber there are too many poses with saber at hand. So to many pose useless (fine for napoleonic but inapropriate for this centuries). Better to had one pose with lmg and other pose just advancing with rifles like scout... No firing pose on horse but on foot with one pose holding 3 horses and 2 poses fighting with rifle on foot...
You are right. Perhaps one day manufacturers will produce the poses customers ask for rather than what they think they want. Plenty of books on tactics etc to point them in the right direction. In fairness Strelets are not the only culprits on this score.
A terrible shame that interest rates for savings are very poor ie almost non existent. I can't console myself with what I don't spend I can save for better times.