Can someone tell me where I can get a leg protector for my left leg? This bike engine is cooking me!
I've searched Demon Tweeks and the others and can't find anything. I've seen some drivers wearing them before but never had the need to get one.
I have some wonderful soothing ointment that I can rub on your leg before the next meeting. How high up is the burn? It is much more effective near the groin.
Yours in hope and anticipation
Mrs. Trellis
North Wales
Don't listen to Mrs Trellis - she's well known for offering groin massage when all she wants to do is to sell you a leg protector. If you really want some relief then may I suggest a day trip with Samantha to a tour of the Lake District with a naturist gentleman friend who wants to strip off at Keswick and Cockermouth. x
You've obviously been away so long you have forgotten all about 'Clubmans' leg'! Speak to Stefan about it as he had a good cure: when the knee pad was ultimately no use, he had the cooked meat section of his left calf muscle surgically removed. That way it did not touch the interior panel, and hey! presto! no more Clubmans' leg....